Well, some of the point you talked about I actually talked about them in my previous few post. But, I can't agree with everything you said.
Infantry, either light dismount or heavy infantry, cannot be replace by tank for few reasons. Tanks cannot take and hold terrain and building. And, infantry are one of the most effective AT unit presently. I remember an exemple, the Israeli 190th Armoured Brigade (commanded by Assaf Yagouri, a famous Isreali tank commander) was ambushed in the desert in 1973 by the Egyptian 2nd Infantry Division. The 190th Armor have 120 M60 US-made MBT, which was one of the best tank back in this time and this unit was one of the finest Isreali's tank unit. The Egyptian 2nd Infantry didn't have any armor or artillery support, only lot of AT-3 Sagger. The entire 190th Armored Brigade was destroyed and his commander captured... Infantry can still beat tank...
Some US M1A1 or M1A2 was actually killed in Iraq by infantry... They just hide, and when the tanks bypass them, shot at the rear of the tank with AT missile.
Well, I said it before, tanks are only good at conventionnal warfare. But the combinaison of multiple task LAV can also be effective. I give an exemple. There a unit equiped with some Coyote Recon vehicule, some LAV-III, some MMEV (is not yet in service, but I'll take the same performance as a ADAT since it's a wheeled ADAT) and some LAV-TUA. The ennemy have some heavy tanks. Even before the battle begin, the Coyote are able to detect your comming attack, after the MMEV will fire their AT missile (which have a penetration of 900mm) while the tank are out of their gun range (since the missile on the MMEV have 6km of range) If they come in the 5km range, the LAV-TUA will add firepower. So think about this... The Canadian LAV are made for battle information dominance, we know where are the ennemy even before they spot us... And coordinate a few unit together, will make a powerful combat task force.
Canada have some of the best LAV in the world.
A Infantry Division with no support can certainly beat a Armored Division. Believe me, I'm myself an infantryman. Give to the infantry division some LAW, some ATGM. And they will be able to destroy a massive armor attack. BTW, an armored division generally have around 290-350 tanks, but there's always infantry in the division. For the sole reason that only infantry are effective of detecting and fighting infantry.
I received a anti-tank formation with my soldier formation. I used mainly the M82 Carl Gustave in my training. Even this is an old weapon and cannot pierce a modern MBT front armor, thoses rounds can pierce the rear armor and dommage some important pieces like tracks or aiming device. We also have the M72 LAW, which is more effective. Give a few LAW to each fireteam, and 1 or 2 ATGM per platoon (Canada have the TOW 2 and the Eryx), their firepower is sufficient to take out a tank platoon. I remember, in a combat exercise against US National Guard (US National Guard was our OPFOR, was an exercise US National Guard vs Canadian Army Reserve), two fireteam, (my fireteam and the 1st fireteam of my platoon) "killed" 4 Abrams tanks with our weapon and we also took out the entire infantry platoon that was accompygning them.
Still, I'm reapeating myself since the beginning, tanks are made for conventionnal warfare, and LAV for asymetric warfare. The different is that LAV can be adapted for conventionnal wafare, if you coordinante your LAV correctly, this is the reason why we are developping the ISTAR communication system.