Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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By not finding trans women sexually attractive, you are implying that they are men. This makes you an intolerant and ignorant incel.
But they are BIOLOGICALLY MEN. Last time I checked, for anyone sane person to consider if a woman is indeed one is if she has vagina and men have balls and penises. These new gender shit is a rather new phenomenon instigated by the West and being pushed and exported all over the world.

On the one hand you had Macron expressing the alarmist tone in his message of Europe's dwindling worldwide influence coupled with the continents shrinking population (hint people are so self absorbed that the thought of having babies are seen as a burden) and the incompatibility of some Europeans that want to maintain the predominantly white population against the need of accepting or absorbing immigrants that are increasingly coming from Africa. Yet, Europeans don't like the non-white immigrants settling into their garden but then at the same time don't want to actually address that issue by actually making babies.

Westerners love to hurl against Commie China as being ideologically rigid (LOL ) without actually realizing that westerners and their rotten system are the very definition of ideologically driven policies and social engineering.
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