Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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Registered Member
I think this gun was specifically made for annoying American gun control activists. Plastic furniture = scary fully auto military rifle, scope = sniper, bipod and visible belt = machine gun, pistol grip and vertical grip = can't be used for hunting, drum box = high capacity, lever action = has a lever so scary.

Behold. high-capacity drum magazine belt fed fully automatic military-style machine sniper with a scary lever

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That weapon doesn't make any sense, how on earth can that score multiple head shots with the kind of recoil that will produce


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Registered Member
That weapon doesn't make any sense, how on earth can that score multiple head shots with the kind of recoil that will produce
You are assuming gun-control activists actually know anything about firearms.

Up here in the Great White North, G11 and variant thereof is "Prohibited" by name. Yes, that's right, the experimental German caseless ammo assault rifle that was never really in serial production, nevermind having a civilian version, is on the prohibited list because of reasons. One theory floating around was that someone grabbed an issue of Guns and Ammo magazine and listed anything that looked scary in there.

Also, the ammo looks vaguely pistol-calibre, which shouldn't kick that much when fired in a rifle-length firearm with in-line stock.
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