Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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A reddit thread on a Taiwan invasion by China.
Yes I know its reddit and also credibledefense, but that is exactly why I'm posting it here lol.
Have a propaganda arm to create sympathy in the West, and unity among your own people..
>Assuming thought and prayers from redditors mean anything, and that Taiwan will even have connection to the Internet after the first day of war

The only internet connection the Taiwanese will have during this war, will be emergency wifi from China's drones, directing civilians to safer grounds and blasting Mao's Red Sun 24/7


Registered Member
A reddit thread on a Taiwan invasion by China.
Yes I know its reddit and also credibledefense, but that is exactly why I'm posting it here lol.

Generally a good analysis, but there are a number of issues.

1. The primary tasking for the overall Chinese military is a Taiwan invasion scenario and the associated actions to isolate the battlespace in the Western Pacific. If the order comes down, it will not be a surprise to anyone in the Chinese military as they train and prepare for this scenario as their primary objective. So any decision to proceed with an invasion can be kept to the decision makers at the top.

2b. Airborne Chinese ISR assets also have a line of sight of any radars that operate and the Air Force has dedicated SEAD and DEAD capabilities. Even if Taiwan has radars operating in the mountains with a line of sight over the Taiwan Straits, I don't see these Taiwanese radars operating for very long. Given the disparity and size of Taiwan, China could have comprehensive 24/7 ISR coverage over Taiwan.


But the recommendations don't help when the Chinese Air Force has taken out all the power plants, oil refineries and fuel depots in Taiwan (circa 100 locations). If that happens, it's only a matter of time before Taiwan collapses.

Then another 300 bridges over rivers/canals would isolate Taiwan into 15-odd separate regions comprising 1-2 million people each, if they chose to do so.
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