France Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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The Rafale F3R soon qualified!

Flight tests involving the new operational standard "F-3R" of the Dassault Rafale combat aircraft are progressing according to schedule. The new standard will be ready for 2018.

According to the programming of the Ministry of Armed Forces, the standard "F3-R" of the Rafale will be qualified in 2018 by the Directorate-General of Armaments (DGA) and will enter operational service a few months later. During the first half of 2017, the teams of the DGA, Dassault Aviation, MBDA, Thales and the air and naval air force experimentation centers held the calendar of campaigns, Integration of the two major equipments of the new "F3-R" standard. This is the "METEOR" missile and the "TALIOS" designation pod.

The last real shot of the integration campaign of the METEOR long-range air-to-air missile from a Rafale was successfully carried out on the site of Biscarrosse of the DGA. Realized against an aerial target located at a great distance and immediately followed a simulated MICA missile fire against another objective, this shot is representative of the new capacities made possible by the association of the "METEOR" and the RBE2 radar AESA long range Of the Rafale.
Already operational with the Swedish Air Force Saab JAS-39 C Gripen combat aircraft, METEOR recently underwent its final test on the Eurofighter "Typhoon II" before entering service with Air forces from Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom from next year.
As regards the THALIOS:
The new platform developed by Thales PDL-NG (Pod of Laser Designation of New Generation) TALIOS must replace the current nacelle "Damocles". The TALIOS must make it possible to make reconnaissance, the identification of targets terrestrial as aerial, and laser targeting in favor of a guided laser weapon.

The characteristics are:

Latest generation of high-resolution sensors and high-precision line of sight stabilization.
A wide-angle vision providing critical contextual information and making the pod an element
Key to the visual environment of the pilot throughout the mission.
Open architecture and a high level of functional integration.
All functions will be standard for French and international customers. Thanks to its open architecture, the TALIOS pod is designed as a "plug & struggle" system for the integration of all current and future combatants.

Thales has so far obtained an order for 20 TALIOS. But in total it is planned that 45 nacelles can come to equip the army of the French air and the navy. Serial production of the system will begin in 2018, after the completion of the measurement tests.

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L'Argentine est très intéressée par l'achat de six Super-Etendard français
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l'Argentine négocierait avec la France l'achat de six avions de combat Super-Etendard d'occasion pour un montant de plus de 12 millions d'euros.

Selon nos informations, l'Argentine négocierait avec la France l'achat d'occasion de six avions de combat Super-Etendard d'occasion pour un montant évalué à un peu plus de 12 millions d'euros. La Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) serait prête à accorder un financement pour faciliter cette opération. Pour l'heure, les Argentins, qui sont en train de sortir difficilement
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, tentaient de négocier à la baisse le montant de la commande.Selon Infodefensa, Buenos Aires offrirait 10 millions de dollars.

La Marine argentine avait acheté à Dassault Aviation 14 Super-Etendard en juillet 1979. Certains d'entre eux ont été engagés dans la guerre des Malouines. Une patrouille de deux avions a notamment coulé en 1982 le destroyer britannique HSM Sheffield, touché par un missile anti-navire AM-39 Exocet (MBDA).

Retiré du service en 2016 en France

Conçus par Dassault Aviation pour la Marine nationale et mis en service en 1978, les derniers Super-Etendard (SEM) ont été retirés du service actif le 12 juillet 2016 sur la base aéronavale de Landivisiau. Ces appareils sont restés en service durant 38 ans dans la Marine Nationale et ont démontré jusqu'au bout ses capacités, en étant pleinement intégré dans les opérations du groupe aérien embarqué déployé en 2016 dans le Golfe.
"Argentina would negotiate with France the purchase of six second-hand Super-Etendard combat aircraft for an amount of more than 12 million euros.

According to our information, Argentina would negotiate with France the purchase of used six used Super-Etendard fighters for a value estimated at just over 12 million euros. The Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) would be ready to provide funding to facilitate this operation. For the time being, the Argentines, who are emerging with difficulty from an unprecedented financial crisis, were trying to negotiate down the amount of the order. According to Infodefensa, Buenos Aires would offer 10 million dollars.

The Argentine Navy had purchased Dassault Aviation 14 Super-Etendard in July 1979. Some of them were engaged in the Falklands war. In 1982, a patrol of two planes sunk the British destroyer HSM Sheffield, hit by an anti-ship missile AM-39 Exocet (MBDA).

Retired from service in 2016 in France

Designed by Dassault Aviation for the French Navy and commissioned in 1978, the last Super-Etendard (SEM) were retired from active service on July 12, 2016 on the Landivisiau naval base. These aircraft have remained in service for 38 years in the French Navy and have demonstrated their capabilities to the full, being fully integrated into the operations of the airborne group deployed in 2016 in the Gulf."


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
The F-21 heavyweight torpedo entered its last qualifying phase

Launched in 2008, the Artemis program, designed by the shipbuilder DCNS, aims to develop a new generation heavy torpedo - the F-21 - for the Navy's 10 nuclear submarines (6 SNAs and 4 SNLEs) Currently equipped with the F-17 model. This project has lagged since the first deliveries, expected in 2016, will ultimately not be completed before 2018.

And for good reason: the F-21 has not yet qualified. But it will not be long. Indeed, on 22 June, DCNS indicated that it had conducted a new test run of the heavy torpedo in a safe maritime area off the coast of Var, under the authority of the Directorate-General for Armaments , Which was preceded, recalls the industrialist, "of twenty industrial trials to the sea of prototypes from the test ship Pegasus, the ship JANUS of COMEX and submarines. "

"This shooting of qualification carried out [...] follows in particular the shots of validation of the performances realized since the end of 2016. With the crossing of these milestones, the Artémis program enters its last phase of qualification," says DCNS.

"The shooting took place in accordance with the test procedure and communication with the launcher was operational throughout the exercise," said Franck Dostal, Director of the Artemis Program for DCNS. "The data recorded in real time have traced the entire mission, validating the achievement of all the objectives," he added.

The F-21 has the same appearance as the F-17 torpedo it needs to replace (6 meters long, 533 mm in diameter and two sets of propellers). One of the novelties is that it is connected to the submarine by an optical fiber, which allows the latter to control it discretely to the objective. It is also equipped with an acoustic self-guiding system, which makes it capable of detecting and tracking a target autonomously.

Designed to evolve in depth and in coastal areas frequented by maritime traffic (and therefore very "buyers"), the F-21 displays a range of more than 50 km. It can melt towards its target at a speed greater than 50 knots (more than 90 km / h).

"The F21 torpedo is equipped with an extremely high computing power that gives it exceptional real-time processing capabilities, and has an advanced mission system and increased autonomy. These technical features greatly expand tactical job opportunities with unmatched target discrimination capabilities even in very challenging environments, "DCNS summarizes.

The Artemis program provides for the delivery of a hundred F-21 torpedoes to the French Navy. It should be noted that the Brazilian navy has also chosen this model for its submarines

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La France près de vendre 64 Mirage F1... aux Etats-Unis 22/06/2017
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La France devrait vendre 64 vieux Mirage F1 à une des deux sociétés de services américaines, Draken International ou Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC)

C'était sur le bureau de la ministre des Armées Sylvie Goulard, plutôt dans le haut de la pile. Après son départ de l'Hôtel de Brienne, le dossier de la vente de 64 Mirage F1 attendra la nouvelle ministre Florence Parly. Elle devra choisir de vendre les Mirage F1 retirés du service en France en 2014 à deux sociétés américaines Draken International ou à Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC), selon nos informations. Le contrat serait évalué à 25 millions d'euros, précise-t-on à La Tribune.

Les deux sociétés sont très intéressées par l'avion de combat de Dassault Aviation (720 appareils vendus) mis en service en 1973 et dont les stocks sont conservés sous cocon à la base aérienne de Châteaudun. L'offre de Draken International semble plus intéressante sur le plan industriel pour les PME européennes. Pour la remise en service des appareils, Draken International s'appuierait notamment sur Sabca, la filiale belge de Dassault Aviation spécialisée dans la modernisation d'avions militaires, et de la PME française Secamic présente dans la maintenance d'appareil de seconde main.
Une flotte de 80 avions de combat

Draken, qui dispose déjà d'une flotte de 80 avions de combat, et ATAC proposent à l'armée de l'air (USAF) et à la Marine (US Navy) des avions de combat pour la formation de pilotes de chasse (tactique, simulation de menaces, soutien tactique air-sol, ravitaillement air-air...). Les derniers Mirage F1 français ont été retirés du service actif le 13 juin 2014 et ont effectué leur dernier vol à l'occasion de la cérémonie du 14 juillet 2014. Ils sont aujourd'hui remplacés par les Mirage 2000 et Rafale.
"France should sell 64 old Mirage F1 aircraft to one of two US service companies, Draken International or Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC)

It was on the desk of Minister of Armies Sylvie Goulard, rather at the top of the pile. After his departure from the Hotel de Brienne, the record of the sale of 64 Mirage F1 will await the new minister Florence Parly. It will have to choose to sell Mirage F1 retired from service in France in 2014 to two US companies Draken International or Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC), according to our information. The contract would be valued at 25 million euros, La Tribune said.

Both companies are very interested in the Dassault Aviation combat aircraft (720 aircraft sold), which was put into service in 1973 and whose stocks are kept under cocoon at the Châteaudun air base. Draken International's offer appears to be more industrially interesting for European SMEs. For the return to service of the aircraft, Draken International would rely in particular on Sabca, the Belgian subsidiary of Dassault Aviation specializing in the modernization of military aircraft, and the French SME Secamic present in the maintenance of second-hand aircraft.
A fleet of 80 combat aircraft

Draken, which already has a fleet of 80 combat aircraft, and ATAC are proposing to the Air Force (USAF) and the Navy (US Navy) combat aircraft for the training of fighter pilots (tactical , Threat simulation, air-to-ground tactical support, air-to-air refueling, etc.). The last French Mirage F1 were retired from active service on June 13, 2014 and made their last flight at the ceremony of July 14, 2014. They are now replaced by the Mirage 2000 and Rafale."
according to DCNS conducts qualification firing of F21 torpedo for French Navy
DCNS has successfully completed a qualification firing of the F21 torpedo, which is being developed to equip all nuclear submarines of the French Navy as part of the Artémis programme.

The qualification firing was conducted in a secured maritime area off the Var coast, and was preceded by approximately 20 industrial sea trials on prototypes from DCNS’s test vessel Pégase and COMEX’s Janus, as well as from submarines.

The French Government defence procurement and technology agency Direction Générale de l’Armement’s (DGA) Artémis programme has now entered its final development phase, following the completion of the qualification testing.

Artémis Programme DCNS director Franck Dostal explains: “The firing was performed in accordance with the test procedure and communications with the torpedo were operational throughout the exercise.

“The data recorded in real time could retrace the entire mission, thus validating the achievement of all the goals.”

The 1.3t F21 torpedo has a range in excess of 50km and a speed greater than 50k, and has been developed to neutralise enemy vessels and submarines.

It can be deployed for operations both in deep waters and coastal areas with high levels of noise and dense shipping.

The equipment has real-time processing capacities and can operate at depths from less than 10m to more than 500m.

The Artémis programme is set to commence next year and will gradually equip all French submarines, with the development and supply of approximately 100 F21 torpedoes and their incorporation into the vessels.

F21 torpedo systems have also been selected for use on the submarines of the Brazilian Navy.
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