This is a ridiculous take and a complete corruption and dishonest interpretation of my point. When did I EVER recommend that China should just outright lie to anyone? Is it a lie to say that Adrian Zenz is a gay-hating Christian nationalist lunatic? Is it a lie to say that China wants to reeducate the Uyghur people and minimize the amount of religious extremists hurting and killing Chinese citizens? Are these lies? Do you believe these are lies? If you think what the Chinese government has said is the truth, then shouldn't you want more people to see these truths?
It ultimately doesn't matter how correct the Chinese position is if it can't convince anyone in the western world and Japan of their correctness of their position. What African countries believes matters little when it comes to Taiwan, since they're not the ones who will be sending carriers and airplanes to attack Chinese troops and they're not the ones who have the power to hold back America or Japan or Australia from attacking China and reenforce the separatists. Stop kidding yourself, you're not protecting China's greatest weapons. If you think the truth is China's greatest weapon, then YOU should be the biggest advocate for having China get the truth out there!
Propaganda doesn't mean lying. Propaganda means making sure you can be heard. I am astounded by how blind people continue to be about the importance and strength of propaganda.
You're blinded by your own misplaced confidence of your supposed brilliance. Come on man, you think your idea is so enlightened, sophisticated that none can see?
America can manage to invade, impugn other countries reputation without much damage to herself purely due it's HARD POWER status that it earned at the end of WWII. The fact that it was the only major country that were left unscathed from that war ensured that America was able to rewrite the global rules it thus led to facilitate in the New World Order America created. The creation of the U.N. the declaration of human rights was from Eleanor Roosevelt, the IMF, WB, and whole hosts of global institutions not to mention the subsequent NGO's that came to prominence, the evangelical Christians, along with Roman Catholic Church, as part of her efforts to stymied and combat the USSR are what made it possible for America to so throughly capture most of the world's attention, emotional connection. Plus, the language of the world is English, which were paved by America's forefather that is the U.K./England which made it easier for America to establish their version of truth into the world.
You keep harping on media when it isn't merely just the media but it's a whole society/civilizational approach that China has to undertake to upend and break that Western stranglehold to the masses of the world.
But without the Military and economic might of the U.S. none of these railings against China's soft power or incompetent media would be a debate.
It is also the unfortunate reality that China as is now as she was throughout her history has had no interest in colonization or has a messianic objective to sinofarm the world unlike the west. China is only ever interested in enriching, improving the lives of it's people (through TRADE/enterprise ) which are numerous which is also one of the key reasons why China has always been the number 1 economic power in the world for much of her history. And why China is the oldest continuous civilization that still remains to this day.