Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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I think there's a good chance there'll be a direct flyover of Taiwan if this trip goes through.

It's a no win scenario for everyone if anyone gets shot down.
Unless you're like Pelosi and you're ready for the market crash.


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Any possibility that she is using the Taiwan crisis to divert attention from insider selling of Nvidia stocks?
It don't think it's worthwhile to discuss "deeper reasons" or anything of the sort when it comes to US actions. Liberal democracy is such a dysfunctional system that trying to find rational purpose to any of its actions is a complete waste of time. It would be more fruitful to try to discern meaning in the deranged ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic.

China should just deal with their actions, by which I mean taze the paranoid schizophrenic if he starts acting up.


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China’s defense ministry issues fresh, rare warning ‘action the most powerful language’ over Pelosi’s Taiwan visit; reinforces resolve

Action is the most powerful language
, said the Chinese Defense Ministry on Thursday as its spokesperson stressed the sensitivity of the Taiwan question again after China issued six warnings against US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's potential visit to Taiwan island over the past few days.

China's Foreign Ministry on Monday used the phrase "yanzhen yidai" (We are fully prepared for any eventuality) which literally translates into "streamlining army formation to wait for the enemy," and the Defense Ministry said the PLA "will not sit idly by" should Pelosi visit Taiwan

All the ones that are saying China should do economic punishment, appeasement, and passive moves must be malding over this now lol. Your bubble world was never anchored in reality tbh. “Action is the most powerful language” and it’s the only language the Americans will respect.

Hu making references to the 38th parallel and the Gulf of Tonkin warning.

The phrase "yanzhen yidai," which the foreign ministry translated to "fully prepared for any eventuality," suggests the preparation is not military mobilization or logistical preparation, but rather having all personnel in place and all ammunition ready for a possible conflict, according to Hu.

Hu cited a few precedents where the two phrases were used.

Before the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53), then premier Zhou Enlai warned that China will not sit idly by if US troops crossed the 38th parallel.

In 1964, the Chinese government warned the US after the Gulf of Tonkin incident using the same phrase, urging the US to stop marching toward the then Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times "as the status quo has already been broken by the US due to Pelosi's visit, China will actively shape a new status quo."

China will make the best use of the US' mistakes, through comprehensive measures including militarily, eying to fully take control of the Taiwan Straits situation to better promote the reunification process in the future, the expert said.

New Status Quo is forming and China intends to play an active role to shape it. I don’t know what they mean by “fully take control of the Taiwan Straits Situation.” Doesn’t look like China intends to stay passive anymore and is now looking to go more offensive.

edit: oh ya they reposted the same threats I posted last time over on the other thread.
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One interesting thing to watch for is if Biden and Xi have their phone call. If they do then the chance of a Pelosi visit would be very low as that would have been a prerequisite.

Curiously Whitehouse has been saying the call is suppose to happen today while China hasn't said anything. If there's no call today then the crisis is still on.
Narrartor: The call went badly
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All the ones that are saying China should do economic punishment, appeasement, and passive moves must be malding over this now lol. Your bubble world was never anchored in reality tbh. “Action is the most powerful language” and it’s the only language the Americans will respect.

Hu making references to the 38th parallel and the Gulf of Tonkin warning.

New Status Quo is forming and China intends to play an active role to shape it. I don’t know what they mean by “fully take control of the Taiwan Straits Situation.” Doesn’t look like China intends to stay passive anymore and is now looking to go more offensive.
Full control means exactly what it sounds like


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All the ones that are saying China should do economic punishment, appeasement, and passive moves must be malding over this now lol. Your bubble world was never anchored in reality tbh. “Action is the most powerful language” and it’s the only language the Americans will respect.

Hu making references to the 38th parallel and the Gulf of Tonkin warning.

New Status Quo is forming and China intends to play an active role to shape it. I don’t know what they mean by “fully take control of the Taiwan Straits Situation.” Doesn’t look like China intends to stay passive anymore and is now looking to go more offensive.
The fact that GT is pointing this reference out may show that China is prepared for a military confrontation

China senses weakness in the US regime.


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All the ones that are saying China should do economic punishment, appeasement, and passive moves must be malding over this now lol. Your bubble world was never anchored in reality tbh. “Action is the most powerful language” and it’s the only language the Americans will respect.

Hu making references to the 38th parallel and the Gulf of Tonkin warning.

New Status Quo is forming and China intends to play an active role to shape it. I don’t know what they mean by “fully take control of the Taiwan Straits Situation.” Doesn’t look like China intends to stay passive anymore and is now looking to go more offensive.

edit: oh ya they reposted the same threats I posted last time over on the other thread.
Full control probably means that the military control of the straits will from now on fall solely to the government army.

The KMT faction can no longer be trusted to maintain Chinese territorial integrity, so the goodwill shown in not storming them with force in the past will be rescinded.

However, it doesn't necessarily mean militarily crushing the uprising and arresting/killing all involved. There are ways China can leave diplomatic negotiation with KMT later, with military negotiation being fast tracked.

Beijing can first seek basing/fortification close or on Taiwan Island, allowing them to control the area while the KMT still remains. And if rebel forces refuses to disperse so the government can build bases to defend against America, they're welcome to be fired upon.

Either way, the severity and reality of the threats shown by America necessicitates Taiwan Island to become China's unsinkable aircraft carrier in Asia, something that will happen with more, less or no bloodshed depending on how cooperative the opposition soldiers are.
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