Formation to go against stealth fighters like F22, and F35..


VIP Professional
IR systems has long taken sunlight out of the equation, even for IR missiles, long ago. So its not even close to being a bother now.

As for inclement weather, it only affects certain wavelengths, as water vapor and C02 absorbs certain wavelengths. However, newer IRSTs have much broader wavelength range, for example the IRST used on the Eurofighter Typhoon.


Junior Member
US will recruit India, Indonesia, Australia, and even Pakistan untuk allow its F-22 to land. In that case, China cannot launch an attack on any of these countries without declaring war against them too (which will be self-defeating). So, destroying the base and logistics of US military will be also as hard if not impossible as attacking F-22 with UCAV.
wow, u pick some of the most unlikely countries. :D India wouldn't allow such a risky move because it doesn't know if China would react with short and medium range missiles pointed at it, India cannot counterattack with it missiles without damaging their deterence with pakistan. and also war isn't a big problem of china since tibetan plaeteu is kinda hard to attack and easy to defence.

pakistan will face the same problem as india, maybe worst...

Indonesia is just unsafe, other then the fact that you will give terrorist an easily accessible high value target... if the public knows the US is there, the government will go bye-bye...

Australia wouldn't allow it, they know US have closer places to land that landing there will be seen with questionable intend and they prefer to remain neutral of as much as possible, fearing it would hurt future dealing with asia...

another alternative is Singapore, they had allow US basing there before but it is unlikely they would agree for the similiar reasons as Australia... but it is still more pausible then australia (closer to china).

it is still most likely that F22 will have to be based from Japan or Guam. chances are China will still hit the airfield with full might.

honestly, no neutral country is stupid enough to let F22 land on their country against a country with proven ICBM and a provider of billions of dollars of trade. US power is failing in Asia since 911 due to unilateral stance on things that has isolated many neutral state.


New Member
There's recent quote from bruce wright saying the US conventional planes will have difficulties in penetrating Chinese airdefense. It will requires the stealth planes. So, for those who mentions wild weasel, and planes /w ECM,I don't think they can do it.


Wright noted the Air Force's fleet is older than ever before.

The average age of the F-15 fighters, for example, is about 24 years, while that of the KC-135 Stratotanker, a mid-air refueling plane that is a key element in the Air Force's ability to conduct long-range missions, is 46 years.

Wright, who was at this air base on Japan's southern island of Okinawa to meet with local commanding officers, said the improvement in Chinese air defenses has made China's airspace "difficult if not impossible" to penetrate with the kind of U.S. fighters — F-15s and F-16s — now deployed in Japan.

Doing so would require the F-22 or the Joint Strike Fighter, which both have stealth capabilities. The Air Force sent a dozen F-22s to Japan earlier this year, but only for a temporary deployment. It has no plans to bring more here permanently.

The Joint Strike Fighter, or F-35, is not yet combat-ready.

Besides the F-35s are not as stealthy as the F-22s or the B-2s also have less weapons capacity and is slower than even older fighterjets. Maybe thats why U.S.A. dind care too much about to sale it to other countries, I see the performance of the J-10s on youtube and I read some right here in and if the F-35s are detected by Chinese radars even if we have better trained pilots the F-35s won't have much of a chance to survive... I dont think U.S.A. will use them in early stages of war or until U.S.A. have achieve airsuperiority. The Raptor... thats a completly different story. I think U.S.A. should use them to dispose of the J-10s and escort those B-2s and destroy the air defenses and radar stations. China is not stupid either I thing they will fill the skys with hundred of J-6, J-7 and J-8 (they may be outdated but they are thusands... jeje in chess games pawns advance first!) before they use in large numbers the J-10s. I gess the F-22s may loss some of their stealthtyness once they open the weapons bay to fire.
That give some chance to China to pinpoint them (at least thats what I believe, remember the F-117 shooteddown in kosovo cause the weapon bay wont close back and his stealth was compromise) Still I think t China should not fire long range A2A missiles cause once they close the weapon bays the radar signal will fade out and the missiles will loss their targets. Probable the PLAAF will have more chance if they use the chance of the Raptors open their weapon bays and try to close other fighter squadron from another direction and try to engage them in dogfight... The chanse of winning even they succed in cloise in for dogfight should be not very high scince im not sure thouse outdated J-6, J-8 and J-8 numbers will succesfully counter the U.S. superior fighterjets and pilots. In the other side of the coin Any other jetfighter than the F-22 will be vulnerable to AA and SAMs fire. And U.S.A have mearly 300 F-22s even if they are better they will not have enough A2A missiles and guns to shoot down all the 2,200 J-6s and God knows how many J-7 and J-8s. I bet the F-22s will flee if they run out of ammo probably most of them make it back to base thanks to their supercruise, sealthness and pilots U.S. will be forced to use the F-15s, F-16s and F/A-18s to finnish what the F-22s start. so few hundreds of U.S. aircrafts will be loss speccially to the air defenses and the J-10s will have more fair competition against the F-15s, F-16s and F/A-18s. It's an interesting think about it but even the PLAAF and the ground air defenses put a hell of a fight to the USAF in the end USAF prevail