US will recruit India, Indonesia, Australia, and even Pakistan untuk allow its F-22 to land. In that case, China cannot launch an attack on any of these countries without declaring war against them too (which will be self-defeating). So, destroying the base and logistics of US military will be also as hard if not impossible as attacking F-22 with UCAV.
wow, u pick some of the most unlikely countries.
India wouldn't allow such a risky move because it doesn't know if China would react with short and medium range missiles pointed at it, India cannot counterattack with it missiles without damaging their deterence with pakistan. and also war isn't a big problem of china since tibetan plaeteu is kinda hard to attack and easy to defence.
pakistan will face the same problem as india, maybe worst...
Indonesia is just unsafe, other then the fact that you will give terrorist an easily accessible high value target... if the public knows the US is there, the government will go bye-bye...
Australia wouldn't allow it, they know US have closer places to land that landing there will be seen with questionable intend and they prefer to remain neutral of as much as possible, fearing it would hurt future dealing with asia...
another alternative is Singapore, they had allow US basing there before but it is unlikely they would agree for the similiar reasons as Australia... but it is still more pausible then australia (closer to china).
it is still most likely that F22 will have to be based from
Japan or Guam. chances are China will still hit the airfield with full might.
honestly, no neutral country is stupid enough to let F22 land on their country against a country with proven ICBM and a provider of billions of dollars of trade. US power is failing in Asia since 911 due to unilateral stance on things that has isolated many neutral state.