September 1986 a team of 5 Mujahideen carrying three Stinger missiles moved close to the Soviet helicopter air base at Jalalabad in Afghanistan, they stood in a triangle with the first two lead Stingers finding targets with the third operator acting as back up
The lead Stinger operator gets a lock and launches the missiles and it came straight out of the tube and landed just a few feet infromt of them, all the hopes of a wonder weapon are gone but then the training kicks in and the back up Stinger operator pushes into action and picks up the lock while the last operator also gets a lock on a Soviet gunship
By the time they are done three Soviet gunships are downed in a space of a few seconds the next day a US militray spy satellite flew over head and the CIA seen three crators confirming the kill, the next day a specialist Soviet team is flown to investigate what the hell just happened
Moral of the story, the equipment is only as good as the people who operate them, there is always malfunctions and always going to be, but the training and experience should over come these difficultys
FSA are not professional soldiers and hence their say on military matters should be taken with a pinch of salt or whole bumch of salt, most of them probably don't even know how to operate a MANPADS never mind giving opinions on the weapons