Junior Member
Maybe the PLAN wants to put the first 054A into sea trial first to identify any defect so that they can correct it on 2nd 054A. That is why 1st 054A progress is so fast while 2nd 054A is so slow... But PLAN at the same time don want progression of production of 054A to be so slow and allow 2nd 054A to be constructed. They may be confident of the structure and design of 054A but still not sure of the sensor and sytem onboard it! Therefore the sucess of 1st 054A is very critical.....
One thing is, if a ship is constructed in Huangpu shipyard, that means the ship is very mature already. And I don't think the 2nd is waiting for the 1st to finish testing, because if so the second won't be launched. Most of the systems were tested on 891 experimental ship, just that on 891 the hot VLS doesn't have that many units but I don't think that's a problem.