Deleted member 13312
I don't think you understand what I am trying to convey here. When I say blackmail, I do not mean "blackmail: in the conventional sense. What LM was called "pork barrelling" which meant that it purposely spread out the production of the F-35 to as many states as it can in the US. So no politician can make a serious attempt at killing the project without damning his own constituents job prospects (and in relation his political career). Ever wonder why most US military procurement are marketed on their ability to "produce jobs" just as much as their ability to defeat the opponent ?"Baloney" Victor, NO test pilots have been "muzzled",, LockMart is the PRIME CONTRACTOR, they share production with Boeing and lots of other contractors.. every government funded project in the US is let out for bid, no "blackmail".....
LockMart is very good at what they do,,, the "OWN" the market, because nobody else has the technology, nor the expertise to win those contracts, Boeing had an aircraft in competition with the X-35, their own X-32,,,,, it was and is a DOG! The X-35 won the contract against every other competing design, and then beat Boeing out in the Fly-Off, if the Fly-Off were held today, tomorrow, next year, ten years from now, the X-35 would still kick the poor little ugly X-32's butt, over and over again!
Oh, and China did not attempt to use ANY design elements from the X-32, did they, LOL!
in addition NorthRupp welds up the titanium center fuse section using robotics, a great contract win for their own innovation...
And the Pentagon did not help the situation by damning the US legacy fleet by cutting maintenance and spare part supply, and lets not forget the dunnerhead who made the brilliant idea of trying to get one common plane for all 3 service which means that if the F-35 was not chosen, not a single service would have a new fighter. Literally everything was sacrificed up on the silver platter for the F-35. This desire for anything new, even when most opponents world wide are barely getting their feet wet with the concept of 5th gen fighters is exactly what LM preys upon.
And seeing how many ex military generals gets cushy jobs as consultants in defense firms after they retire, that should not be so surprising.
Don't you see. by guile and deceit. LM positioned itself in such a way that the US is literally being forced to buy the F-35. It bought up General Dynamics design firm, which caused them to drop out of the race. Boeing's profession was making bombers and passenger planes so it was never a fair match to begin with.
That is one thing LM is good at I will give it, and that is politicking and congressional lobbying. Bringing China into this does not chance it one iota. In fact if Chengdu or Shenyang ever tried to pull this off, a hefty fine would be the most lenient punishment that they can expect.
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