Tyrant King
Don't fight where the Other guy has the edge. American Pilots have battled and won where they lacked the turning edge. Turning is not the end all be all of combat. Lightning with proper tactics will do fine. F35 has it's own advantages it's harder to lock onto and track. It's also go the ability to keep track on the enemy longer.As too the answers now thrust is pretty important in a turning twisting dogfight
And F35B has the Gun pod. Also the USMC never used the Aden They used the Gau 12 which is the basis of the Gau 22 on the F35 podhe f4 did not have a internal gun till the R model arrived later in the war the Navy or Marines 4's never had one the barrier has a Aden gun sling underneath the fuselage
With External load the F35 can be loaded with at least 2 External Aim 9X and atleast 4 Internal AIM120'sThe current 35 and I might say the f22 only carry 2 AIM 9X internally
That can change based on situation and Partner nations. If it's partner nations with good Integration of command and Control then there would be no need. In the Gulf it was mostly because not every partner was as advanced in C2 as the US and UK.5. I do not see the US relaxing it' NVR restrictions regarding IFF that much if like you say we are in a coalition which 9 put of 10 times we will be
The F22 has had time to cycle through most of it's teething issues. Machines like the F16 and F15 have been in service so long that all there issues atart to revolve around there age more than anything. Oh and on this in particular6. The pilots helmet display has had a rough time of being too heavy to bulky and actually dangerous in times of egress if I remember right it pretty much had to be redesigned to allow for certain pilots to egress safelyas to the much vaunted software issue it remain to be seen how much of it can actually be fixed so it does not crash this needing to be rebooted not a good thing to do in the middle of a fight and please don' forget about the ALIS sysem of maintenance Mo plane is very good when it' grounded for spare parts you may be right in a lot of your points but if y'll are wrong it's not your life sitting up there in that seat would you like to try? Or would want to be in a 22 insyrad
Not limited to F35.and please don' forget about the ALIS sysem of maintenance Mo plane is very good when it' grounded for spare parts
In fact It's no worse then the Marines/Navy main legacy fleets. the F35 has a advantage though in that new parts are being added all the time because of the active production lines where if something breaks on a Harrier you have to hunt for it or loose the bird. If something breaks on a Hornet the Marines and Navy Squadrons have to fight for it. This is a common issue not just to Aviation or even military circles. newer machines require new parts and are not always avalible as soon as would be liked but as the line matures the parts become more available.
All machines are complex nothing emerges fully formed or functional, The biggest difference between US and Russian or Chinese Programs like the SU57 and J20 is that the US is in the open about issues. It takes time and investment to correct issues.
Just for Giggle factor.
The multinational, multibillion‐dollar F-?? fighter program is plagued by production delays and cost increases, according to a report drafted for Congress by the General Accounting Office.
The G.A.O. report said that the program “is behind schedule,” that its costs rose...and that its success or failure “will have a significant influence on the fate of future co‐production programs” in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
, the prime contractor, Pratt & Whitney, which manufactures the engines, and the Air Force dispute the G.A.O.'s criticisms of the program, contending that the program is proceeding according to schedule.
Excerpts from a New York times ArticleSince the memorandum of understanding was signed in ???? by the five members of the consortium, the program has faced a number of problems. Some arose from engineering changes. Others resulted from the European members’ requirement for an aircraft that will be more than an air‐to‐air fighter and will be able to carry out an air‐to‐ground support role it combat.
Must be on the F35 right?
Nope This was on the General Dynamics F16 circa
Issues then were they Fly by wire control's European production and Materials as well as Drainage.