Thanks for agrees with my numbers pretty much for what the various services have in their hands. What follows is what Lockheed actually has serial numbers for and has either produced and given to the various services, or are in production right now:I have posted, last page
After about...
USAF : 118, 05/2017
according last orders actual deliveries 2 - 2.5 by month
US Marines : 54, 12/2016 + 6 C same as USAF for true ope 1,5 Sqn about
according last orders actual deliveries about 1 all the 2 months
US Navy : about 30 C
according last orders actual deliveries about 1 all the 6 months
US Air Services : 202 +
UK : 4
Norwegian : 5
Israel : 3 now
Italian : 4 - 5
Dutch : 2
Australia : 4
Japan : 1
Foreign : 24
Total : 226 +
For US combat capable really with Block 3i i guesstimate right now
USAF : about 30 : the 34 FS of 24 almost full miss max now 1 or 2 F-35A plus some others especialy in Weapon Test Sqn
108 first to modified
USMC : about 20 maybe 25, 1.5 Sqn + others
USN : 0, IOC for 2019 IIRC with block 3F right now except some for weapons tests use mainly Block 2B the last must be 3i modified in 3F for 2019.
US Air Force: 136
US Marines: 68
US Maby: 28
Total US: 232
UK: 14 (All "B")
Norway: 10
Italy: 10 (1 "B" Navy and 9 "A" Airforce)
Israel: 9
Japan: 6
Australia: 2
Netherlands: 2
Total Non-US: 53
Grand Total to date: 285
Grand total by Type
F-35A: 174
F-35B: 83
F-35C: 28
Remember, the difference between your numbers and mine are what has been actually handed over and what has been produced and are preparing to hand over, or that are going through the factory right now. is a good number, and continues to grow.
LOTS more to produce. Expect something close to 3,500 all it has really just begun, even though the US now has more F-35s than it has F-22s.