F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread


Tyrant King
is this:

It's cruising Jura this is not a dog fight photo. note the still open Air to Air refueling receptacle. as for Agility it depends on what you consider Agile. She was designed to Fly with a internal weapon load like an F16 without any weapons. ( before that debunked claim The so called Dogfight was a Flight test of the Fly by wire software that was in an early iteration and was to restrictive) No she cannot turn like a Raptor but few aircraft can. Her so called stubby wings are nothing of the sort her wing span is only 5 inches shorter than the Rafale. F35 though has about the same amount of wing though as her canted Vertical stabilizers would add some additional lift and same amount of fuselage.
rafalevsf35aey6.jpg Current Rafale M is 3000 pounds lighter in empty weight. but Lightning's F135 Engine is more powerful then the Twin M88-2 even on After burners. Official top speed of the lightning is Mach 1.61 but that was simply where they stopped testing her speed. with Rafale at mach 1.8 I would lay money Lightning could match that. Thrust to weight of Rafale is .988 ( B model 700 lb lighter weight) with 4 missiles and full internal fuel F35A with half fuel is 1.07 ( to match fuel and weight of the B) in Thrust to Weight ratios for aviation If it's less then 1 is needs more lift to get into the air. if greater than 1 It's a rocket and just flies by power alone.
For fun points F22's Thrust to weight ratio is about 1.08-1.09 The Space Shuttle at takeoff was 1.5.
... as for Agility it depends on what you consider Agile. ...
"agile" as in being able to shoo Fencers as Raptors did Aug 20, 2016
... Coalition jets scrambled to defend U.S. forces from Syrian bombing

source is Reuters:
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(another link:
Syrian Su-24s attempting to fly close to U.S. Special Forces in Syria get intercepted and “encouraged to leave” by F-22 Raptors
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please note I'm interested in Yes or No answer


Tyrant King
"agile" as in being able to shoo Fencers as Raptors did Aug 20, 2016
(another link:
Syrian Su-24s attempting to fly close to U.S. Special Forces in Syria get intercepted and “encouraged to leave” by F-22 Raptors
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please note I'm interested in Yes or No answer
If two SU22's entered an Area with F35 flying cap. They wouldn't know the lightnings were there until the threat warnings.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
The right post please mods deleted above

Four ships possible for actual deployment in Europe ?
View attachment 37940

I believe that is indeed the case, the F-35 has been designed to operate as a 4 Ship, where-as the Raptor stuck with a two ship. The main reason is likely to be sensor fusion and the ability to "tri-angulate",,, or LOL "quad-rangulate" as in "we got em surrounded!

This gives you the ability to precisely target friend or foe, to know what your own assets are, for instance you would be able to launch weapons from a friendly's stores that is "standing off" from the high threat area, while maintaining your own stealthy position.

This ability to operate quietly in a very high threat environment will allow you to remain on station and hot with a full weapons load, to take out those hard targets that require quiet precision, as well as adequate stores to "fight your way out" in the event that things get out of hand!

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
is this:


Extremely Agile, the max AOA on the Lightning II is limited by the FCS to 50 degrees, the max AOA demonstrated is well over 100 degrees.... As you pull aft stick in maneuvering most 4 gens are nearing departure in the 20s-30s, with F-18s, probably Flankers able to push that into the mid 30s or so.

The F-35's F-135 powerplant is tremendously powerful, while very careful wing fuselage blending and "chining" of the forward fuselage all contribute significantly to total lift...

the only aspect I would argue with Terrain is that the canted verts contribute much lift, I would quantify that lift as "notional" or very small in total.

I would remind everyone, that AF-2 has been to 9.9 G in flight test with the limiters off the flight controls, that friends is Raptor country,,,, but then its doubtful that anything will actually pull more G than a Raptor?
Extremely Agile, the max AOA on the Lightning II is limited by the FCS to 50 degrees, the max AOA demonstrated is well over 100 degrees.... As you pull aft stick in maneuvering most 4 gens are nearing departure in the 20s-30s, with F-18s, probably Flankers able to push that into the mid 30s or so.

The F-35's F-135 powerplant is tremendously powerful, while very careful wing fuselage blending and "chining" of the forward fuselage all contribute significantly to total lift...

the only aspect I would argue with Terrain is that the canted verts contribute much lift, I would quantify that lift as "notional" or very small in total.

I would remind everyone, that AF-2 has been to 9.9 G in flight test with the limiters off the flight controls, that friends is Raptor country,,,, but then its doubtful that anything will actually pull more G than a Raptor?
good you 'committed', with 'extremely agile', 'tremendously powerful'


Tyrant King
the only aspect I would argue with Terrain is that the canted verts contribute much lift, I would quantify that lift as "notional" or very small in total.
My exact words were
canted Vertical stabilizers would add some additional lift
far more then the vertical stabilizer of the Rafale.
Although I might have flubbed a bit or two as the Fuselage of the lightning produces about 40% of the lift for the bird.