Regarding the F-35 and Trump's comments on this matter. Its clear that Trump can't cancel the program, as he doesn't have the power to do so anyway.......but he really is as others have mentioned will try to get the future spending of this project under some sort of control, as so far the US taxpayer has forked out a staggering sum of money on this aircraft.
I think that at the very worst that if for reasons, that the F-35 doesn't live upto expectations, then i could see Trump reducing the number of air frames built in future years, but then again there are a lot of aging F16 and F15's to replace, so if one was to cut down the F-35 numbers, then either the US air force would have to put up with a much smaller complement of fighters, or start to design a new aircraft a.s.a.p. (mind you that would take ages in itself). I think the F-35 program will continue, as its too late to do anything about it if there were serious problems, and cancelling it now would be a disaster for not only the US but its allies as well. I mean here in the UK we would have 2 brand new aircraft carriers, but no alternative VSTOL plane to use on them. Lets hope all concerned get this F-35 project sorted out, and on an acceptable future cost!