This Is The Most Important Technology On the F-35
It is increasingly clear as I said many times before, the utility of the F-35 is in its software and not hardware. The future air wars are in electronics and this is just part of the umbrella of spectrum domination. This cognitive EW would likely than not be a feature in the LRSB. Such capabilities requires a completely new platform like the F-35 because it has to be rewired with the right technology in data buses, signal and data processors and sensors that were impossible using legacy airframes.
Actually Mr. Brumby, your article leads in with an absolute HORSE SHer KRAP! statement. Mr. Tucker states that the F-35 "can't" outmaneuver other aircraft. Mr. Tucker is absolutely FULL of you know what, the real filthy, stinky stuff.
The F-35 is a very fine fighter aircraft, it is NOT a program, platform, or computer, it is in fact an aircraft designed by LockMart, it is also an EW dream. That dream still has to aviate in order to meet the threat. It not all about the program, its not all about the EW suite, those elements are part of a package, but they absolutely do NOT overshadow that airframe/engine package of aerodynamics and flying goodness.
I realize that several of the "untouchables" over at our sister forum espouse such tripe, and even "ban" from their little playhouse, those whom they are unable to re-educate into silence. In fact they "forbid" any discussion of the F-22, particularly as it relates to the F-35.
I wouldn't dream of attempting to lecture/educate you on your field of interest/expertise, or finances?? now would I, I also do not stray far outside of my area of specific expertise, but these types of articles lead the ignorant to question why XYZ aircraft cost so damn much. Real Fifth Generation aircraft are very, very, expensive, the fact that our partners can buy/build those at a fairly reasonable cost, belies our very considerable investment in time and cashola. Make NO mistake, they are absolutely essential to achieve/maintain air superiority.
Try removing all your hardware from your PC and see how far that gets you Bub???
Every member of this forum has a basic understanding of a very small aspect of the total EW suite of the F-35, it is a game changer, as I have stated, at some point, some F-35 driver will get the drop on a Raptor Pilot. The Raptor however remains the best fighter aircraft on the planet, it is very unlikely that any F-35 driver will assume that he is going to go out and defeat one Raptor, two Raptors, or ten Raptors???
However, you are correct that the F-35 is built from the ground up to accommodate all those kool electronic accessories, but kool software is worthless without the aircraft that has the teeth to make the kill, or the eyes and ears to see and hear were that bad guy is coming from, where he is, and where he intends to go. I will agree that the F-35 is a "systems" aircraft, but that basic airframe is very strong, very capable, and very active, the F-135 engine may well be one of the 7 wonders of the world??? LOL
Sorry to be abrasive, but those kind of articles really piss me off!