If Elected Trump Promises to Dump F-35 Fighter Jet Project
21:52 03.11.2015
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump promised to cancel the F-35 fighter jet program if he gets elected, Trump told Hugh Hewitt during his radio show.
This was the first time Trump has given any specific details about his defense policy.
"When they say that this cannot perform as well as the planes we already have, what are [we] doing, and why are we spending so much more money?" — Trump said during the show.
"So when I hear that… I say we have to do something," Trump continued.
Trump was referring to a test report that was leaked last June describing the F-35's poor performance, especially when it came to combat maneuvering capabilities.
The truth is, that other than Canada, our partners are very committed to the F-35 as it will offer each of them a fifth gen aircraft, with capabilities that far overshadow 4 gen or 4.5 gen aircraft? The F-35 does promise very advanced capability, as a Strike aircraft, and even as an A2A platform. I do believe that an advanced F-35 jockey, is gonna get an angle on an average F-22 jockey at some point.
Saying that, I'm just expressing my own personal conviction that the F-35 is going to bring a very profound advantage to every engagement, that even the lovely, very stealthy F-22, is going to find very difficult to counter, even with the bag of tricks the Raptor offers. The F-35 is very dangerous to bad guys, all bad guys, at every level.
as I have stated, and it is a known fact, fifth gen is very expensive, that is the main reason, along with technological barriers, that no one else is currently operating a fifth gen aircraft. Thanks to the F-35 partnership, that is changing, even as we speak, our partners will be operating a "big boys toy" very shortly. YES, it will take some coin, but in comparison to what you are buying, it is a lot of bang for the buck, like getting a Ferrari, for high end Chevy money?? but you will have to maintain it, just like a Ferrari, it will take a good mechanic.
Mr. Trump is shooting off the hip, he will get educated, just like Mr. Obama did?