Yes, but to be precise I lb = 0.4536 kg. Precision is not warranted because my weight has been about 75 kg, plus or minus 2 kg for the last fifty years. And I do not weight myself every year.
BTW A few hours ago I saw an article in WaPo about the terrible danger to pilots weighting below 136# when ejecting from F-35.
Well master Delft, the last time I looked?? no one on the WaPo staff had any first hand knowledge about ejections seats, which is honestly a NON Issue? It amazes me that so many folks can have an absolute SPAZ attack over the F-22, or F-35. The WaPo loves issues like this, because it is illusive, as well as divisive, presenting them with another opportunity to appear smart and well informed, whilst their ignorant readers are allowed to feel superior and caring all at the same time, as they join hands and hearts and once again attempt to crucify the US Military and LochMart.
They enjoy a measure of success in these endeavors because many of their readers are not only ignorant, but pious as well?? This concern has come to your attention because the US Military and LockMart are genuinely concerned and instead of covering it up, are saying hey, we can't allow this is good faith, but it will take time and money to get it "perfect", and they will.
Now as an engineer, you should know that every tool, every system has a design limit of operation, there is also a maximum weight on the seat is there not? which means fat-boys and girls won't be flying the F-35, but nobody worries about big boys and girls do they???
No brother, being a fighter pilot will NEVER be "sand-box safe" will it, it is very dangerous business? If they lower the acceleration of the seat to accommodate the Jr. High folks, that will mean the average size dude will spend more time in the "danger zone", as the seat will be demonstrably slower in getting you out???
I can't wait to read the "glowing article" that they print when LockMart or Martin Baker have the fix well in hand??? can you??