The delay in the 2B and would not make it to IOC was expected because it is a known fact that development was 6 months behind schedule.
The more interesting comment is the following :
The F-35 is designed to fly in groups of four and they are all supposed to share their data with each other. The military doesn’t like to talk about it, but the planes do not fly in a tight formation. It’s more like a diamond spread out over dozens or hundreds of miles. During December testing, the program found there were problems with the fusion engine’s results. When one F-35 is using its sensors to look at ground targets the fusion engine works extremely well. When two planes are sharing data, all goes well. When three planes share, things are pretty good. When four planes share, the system can report ghost targets and other anomalies that Bogdan did not offer details about.
I suspected all along the optimal flight formation of four was a diamond shape because that would provide the optimal sensor coverage. The limiting factor in displacement between planes I suspect is not the sensor range but rather the MADL range which probably is more restricted because it is a LPI waveform, the details of which had never been released. The part I don't understand is why the threat data is significantly degraded when shared above three planes - this is a mystery to me. The only plausible reason I can think of is that in a fourth plane scenario, the MADL range becomes overextended whereby the fidelity starts to be compromised.