Well Pierre Sprey, Bill Sweetman, and Carlo Kopp are generally F-35 nay sayers, on Defense Talk, the mods refer to them as the "clown club", while some of their information is no doubt usefull, the F-35 is moving forward and the F-22 is out of production and line disassembled sadly?? Like others their stock in trade are media "shock and awe???" although they love to overblow and hype problems, they are still living on their "laurels", but to be sure TP is on the money here.
While I was not impressed initially with the F-35, in hindsight, I should have had more faith in LockMart as they have consistently come up with winners. The F-35 continues to rack up sales, and the price continues to drop, and while the F-22 was and will continue to be the worlds most capable A2A platform, it is very unlikely to be revived sadly
I appreciate the point that was made by TP and the point is taken. Unfortunately we are prone to bias confirmation i.e. we look for the things that support our view point and discount those that do not. An objective view is to take each work on the basis of its quality or lack of and make judgement accordingly.
In regards to the F-35, part of the problem with the F-35 supporters in my view is the failure to articulate the strength of the platform, its potential and the opportunities to change the way air operations may be conducted. I believe the strength of the F-35 is not in the hardware but in the software and how the notion of situational awareness and sensor fusion comes together to transform the future mission sets through new tactics. I have not seen until recently, conceptual discussions of it being an ecosystem; a force multiplier; and as a transformational battlefield tool. Very often it is on the defensive on how it might cope against potential adversaries in aero dynamics and kinematics. That is how air warfare was conducted historical but not how it might be conducted if the F-35 is used correctly as designed. I like the idea that the primary aim of the F-35 in future battlefield is to ensure that the adversary looses situational awareness. In such a state, you gain tactical advantage; element of surprise, flexibility in execution; and force deployment advantage. It will be about tactical employment and execution and not traditional dog fights.