F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread

Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread


OK, thanks.

That is a mockup\model, and not a working aicraft.

I can see why they old paint it that way too, so the crowd at the christening could see the accents of the various panels, etc.

Thanks...that makes perfect sense.

now I'm confused ... is this:

(the picture from http://www.sinodefenceforum.com/wor...strike-fighter-thread-99-5796.html#post301663)
a mockup, too?? to me, the white patterns in the two pictures appear to be the same, that's basically why I'm asking :)

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

now I'm confused ... is this a mockup, too?? to me, the white patterns in the two pictures appear to be the same, that's basically why I'm asking :)
I believe it to be the same mockup.

There are no F-35Bs in England...that appears to be the mockup in question being pulled along near a BAE facility in England.
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I believe it to be the same mockup.

There are no F-35Bs in England...that appears to be the mockup in question being pulled along near a BAE facility in England.

My impression is the mockup has the same wheels as the original airplane. (but this wouldn't make sense, I guess :)

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Actually there is one, but just not working. :eek::eek: :D

We even have the mighty SR-71 Blackbird. :eek:
An unflyable mock-up of an aircraft, with no engine, no avionics, no senors, etc. etc...is not the aircraft.

It's a model.

There are no F-35Bs yet in England, however, as you say, there is a model of one.


Junior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

A good number of British Veterans I know, are skeptical/disappointed with their leaders/politicians who don't appear to understand the importance of keeping an Armed Forces ready for any eventualities. It appears they implement defense budget cuts etc. without seriously studying geo-stratgic considerations. The once highly respected RN has only 30 - 40 operational ships. Hopefully, the RAF/RN Air Arm will not be having only a mock-up of the F-35, but purchase these fantastic fighters OR whatever the Brits/Europeans have produced.