European Economics Thread


Registered Member
Okay, maybe I ranted too much.

The short form of the rant, is that once that war started, then the sanctions and pipelines blowing up on their own, seems like a crisis in the making.

Yet, a media outlet like DW, only talked about a Chinese economic crisis, when that place was still growing at 5%.

A PMI reading of 40.3%, is not the be all and end all of anything, but very consistent that the German economy was in some sort of crisis that had been building for a long time.

Yet they do nothing about it, expect the propaganda.

A PMI 40.3% reading, means it is getting hard to stick to the same propaganda lines.

Not sure why or even how it was able to last this long. Who knows, they might even double down on it, lol!!!!



Senior Member
Registered Member
Ahh ... screw it! I gonna rant!

1. Let's kid ourselves, on the centrality of the German economy to the entire health of the European continental economy. The EU use to be a growth pole, and German economy was the one who drove the bus. So if the Germans do not do well, expect the ripple effects to bite hard across the continent.

2. That DW media outlet in Germany. What a bunch of useless tools. They always harp on anything that is bad or supposed to be bad about the Chinese economy, yet here is a 40.3% reading for a German PMI. This suggest utter collapse. Yet, we never see such hand wringing from DW. This was coming, and a few years in the making, for the German economy. Does not seem DW was aware or did not care about Germany. Conclusion, the Germans really love their propaganda. They must have it.

3. Crap! There is no way out! There is no way out of this for the German economy. Do not expect robust growth to return anytime soon. What has to happen is a bottoming out phase. That will not be pleasant, because this is de-industrialization that the German government has embarked upon. Whether this de-industrialization plan from the German government was deliberate or unintentional, (cannot make up my mind), that does not matter at this stage of the game.

4. Are we being too negative? Or is the news even worst? I think it is worst. Nothing is looking up, and they got to wait until they find a positive. They will find more negatives than a positive, over the next few months, just like the past few months. That they cannot break out of this negative cycle that reinforces itself, that is an utter failure for the entire system! Then DW tells us how bad China is doing for years and years! Haha! Those people DW are unable to compare two numbers! 40.3% for a PMI reading! Get the bleep out of here!

5. All this talk from the Europeans about de-coupling or de-risking, cannot be taken seriously! A 40.3% PMI reading! Do anyone thinks or believes European businesses have the number one priority of de-coupling or de-risking? Get DW to spread more propaganda!

6. They got all these problems, so naturally the EU wants to start a trade war with China with the EV tariffs. WTF? Let's repeat that, WTF? Then DW will chime in with more propaganda, trying to make the EU look like it is being tough. When the reality is they are being stupid beyond belief! A 40.3% PMI reading!

7. Then some posters in this very forum, would latch onto such stuff, and claim things are not so bad, and it is going good!

Hehe. Hehe.

Do the Germans deserve this? That depends on your politics. Most definitely the dumb German politicians deserve to be exposed as complete frauds. Their decisions will hurt a lot of people.

But that is Europe, still run by a bunch of aristocrats. Only the peasants get to eat bread or something like that.

FTR, I will stay as public servant with a engineering degree because of the current economical shifts. If the prospects would be better, I could earn 2.3x the money, but now lots of engineers are troubled by the job market -> Going to US/Asia