But you do make reference to the 20th C.
1/You talk of the consumer society pre Regan
2/ Explaining the ability of people to cross borders in the Euro Zone. Well the Eurozone is really the successor to the ECCas i think it was known in the 60's and the fall of the Soviet Block in 1990's expanded it even futher.
never mind though , as its irrelevant to the current situation i suggest we drop it.
I really dont know why we are debating this for as Im in total agreement with you. Even the point that it sucks to even entertain the thought of bailing out the West especially if nothing is really going to change.
Where we disagree is the fall out, while you think its manageable I have my doubts.
I think the Eurozone will bounce back and still be a major player in the world economy A snub may result in a fortress Europe mentality where Chinese products may not be so welcome. AS you said earlier China has still has a lot to accomplish, and its going to take every dollar she can earn.
1. How can you not mention Reagan when his policies were a main cause of a lot of the problems we have today, but that's still a long way off from WWII, which incidentally was the point I was making to begin with.
2. Considering that most of the former Soviet bloc weren't part of the Eurozone for most of the 20th century this hardly means anything.
Of course Europe can bounce back, Japan is still one of the largest and most productive economies in the world in spite of its crash in the 90s, that still doesn't mean it's as strong as it was in the 1980s, the same will go for Europe once it this crisis is over. The breakdown of the international order as is will of course cause suffering and problems like any such situation would, but ultimately it is the fault of no one but the Europeans and Americans with their own policies and the Chinese should draw out as many concessions as possible from this crisis.