Ethnic Conflict in Northeast India


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Helping India censor it is also part of the "stick"?

If something happens to benefit US, it's defintely a CIA plot which the rest of the world was "powerless" to stop. If something doesn't benefit US, it's cuz it's 4D chess which the rest of the world also couldn't stop. Lmao. Give it a fucking rest.

The fact is that it's CIA that's powerless from preventing India, their so called ally, from getting paralyzed in the moment where the west really needs India, because they're losing the economical war with Russia, another thing CIA is powerless to stop.

Modi will already do anything US wants him to do, he's just a greedy and corrupt mfer so he's not being efficient.

US is racking up all those totally planned geopolitical wins, like Ah Q racking up street fight victories.
The other hand of US helped censor the Manipur atrocities until they needed to use the stick again, like today when India opened said they invite Putin to attend G20 in person.


Registered Member
Here is some more graphics involving meitei chopping Kuki's head and dead bodies lying around manipur. @FairAndUnbiased is correct, this is Rwanda all over again.

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Indian opposition unites in attempt to oust Narendra Modi​

Leaders put aside personality clashes and ideological differences to form coalition to take on PM
Leaders of 26 opposition political parties in
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have united to form an alliance in an attempt to oust the country’s populist prime minister, Narendra Modi, in next year’s general election.

During a conclave of opposition parties held this week, it was decided that the coalition will be called the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance: otherwise known as INDIA.

The meeting of the leaders marked a significant step forward in the relationship between the country’s main national and regional opposition parties, who have previously struggled to unite due to power struggles, personality clashes and ideological differences.

However, a consensus was reached earlier this year that unless they formed a united front, no single party stood a viable chance against Modi and his Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) government, which will be seeking a third term in the election, to be held in May 2024.

Included in the coalition are India’s largest national opposition, the Congress party, as well as powerful regional parties such as Trinamool Congress, which governs the state of West Bengal under the popular chief minister, Mamata Banerjee, and the Aam Aadmi party, which governs Delhi and Punjab.

The west is obviously using the stick on India these days. These recent release of graphical content will surely add oil to the burning fire in Manipur. I'd expect to see more gunfights footage soon.
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India tried its best to hide these mass rapes before, but I guess its too much or maybe some people wanted more leverage over India during G20.

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No one wants to talk about rapes in Manipur. There’s a silence at the heart of the violence​

In India, communal rioting includes revenge attacks based on fake news – from Muzaffarnagar riots to Delhi riots. Manipur's ethnic clashes witnessed 'revenge rape' following a false claim.

India was basically shouting mass rape is fake news from kuki on social media a week ago. I almost believed them until I saw the videos and the chief minister's comments today.

Watch and weep. I feel for her


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Not sure what I think about this (Meitei) Chief Minister (i.e., governor) of Manipur, admitting to hiding mass ethnic gang rape on TV probably isn't the smartest idea.
I just want to make this important point that the "leaked" footage managed to sip through the very tight control and censorship the government in India imposed since the breakout and breakdown of law and order in that state of Manipur. Yet, we've been told and constantly bombarded with stories that Uyghurs in Xinjiang are being genocided and no information can seep through due to the CCPS tight control not even the flow of millions of refugees not to mention the wanton killings (if the alleged atrocities are to be believed) are just not happening.

Doesn't logic dictates that no matter how tight the control of information people that are determined to bring forth their sufferings and crimes will break through that barrier and information will inevitably come forth. Yet, as far as am aware the information that comes out from Xinjiang providing the supporting evidence of such alleged crime are far few and in between, and most of them comes from Western sources and western satellites showing some buildings and then adding their cooked up narrative of genocide.

We have systematic or what appears to me as systematic discrimination of the highest order for decades but were hardly given its due attention, the human rights component that western monkeys love to champion. Which once again lends another credence to the argument that what's been alleged against China and the supposed ethnic tensions have been strategic and calculated attack due to geopolitical issues and game power politics nothing more and nothing less.

Countries like India loves to shield their culpability on the ongoing tragedy as INTERNAL Matter yet loves to poke China when it comes to HK, Tibet, subtlety on Xinjiang increasingly with Taiwan which is always hilarious since countries like that should not be throwing stones when they live in a glass house.


Registered Member
Here is some more graphics involving meitei chopping Kuki's head and dead bodies lying around manipur. @FairAndUnbiased is correct, this is Rwanda all over again.

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Indian opposition unites in attempt to oust Narendra Modi​

Leaders put aside personality clashes and ideological differences to form coalition to take on PM

The west is obviously using the stick on India these days. These recent release of graphical content will surely add oil to the burning fire in Manipur. I'd expect to see more gunfights footage soon.
Just like Rwanda, India is a post colonial construct made up of people conquered by the British who didn't necessarily have anything to do with each other before. The forcible assimilation of disparate peoples into an "Indian" identity is the cause of this tragedy.


Junior Member
Seems like China is clearly trying to downplay tensions with India because the countless social unrests in India present China with many opportunities to retaliate in response to India's actions against China.

One has to pounder how long China sticks to this pacifist policy in the face of anti-China nationalist governments like the BJP.


Just like Rwanda, India is a post colonial construct made up of people conquered by the British who didn't necessarily have anything to do with each other before. The forcible assimilation of disparate peoples into an "Indian" identity is the cause of this tragedy.
There is no country on this planet more barbaric than the Hindu nation. The rapes and murders that occur in that nation are utterly horrific. In the United States, where I live, Hindus are infamous for being animalistic, degenerate creeps.


Registered Member
Seems like China is clearly trying to downplay tensions with India because the countless social unrests in India present China with many opportunities to retaliate in response to India's actions against China.

One has to pounder how long China sticks to this pacifist policy in the face of anti-China nationalist governments like the BJP.
It seems like some of these fighters are receiving weapons through a Myanmar trail. Myanmar is an area where China has dominant covert influence. It's also where the Maoists get their stuff.

China is hardly pacifist, but they're giving India a chance to turn around. Both Putin and Xi must be angry over Indian immaturity within SCO and BRICS lately.

I think this is China's way of telling the west that the west can sway India, but it can't make India useful. It's also showing Modi first hand just how fragile his country is.


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How does any of this benefit the west? India proved beyond a doubt that it was hostile to China, sabotaging within SCO and BRICS.

The direct benefit is an increase in action in support of the Western agenda. Just like the Ukrainian situation, Zelenskyy isn't doing enough to the satisfaction of the Americans. It even got the Americans to actually speak up of their frustration with the situation when they usually stay silent; much to Zelenskyy's annoyance.

The diplomatic sabotage in these international organizations is just one play in a series of many planned which that part seems to be completed. However, shoehorning an agitator into an organization can backfire should the political situation of the 'chosen' nation change.

Nothing that happens here benefits the west. They need a strong and united India to act as a meatshield.

Not necessarily true. It's possible that they're looking to get rid of Modi without making it obvious to everyone. Make him look bad and incompetent and then a savior (Modi's replacement chosen by the usual suspects) steps in to resolve the situation. The meatshield plan comes after India gets their act together to the satisfaction of Western powers.

We cannot be sure who are helping to stoke these fires and to what extent...

True. Plausible deniability. Only time can tell.

Helping India censor it is also part of the "stick"?

Actually it's more like a carrot. The 'stick' is when the truth gets spoken more often in the media to embarrass Indian leadership. The goal is a change in policy.

If something happens to benefit US, it's defintely a CIA plot which the rest of the world was "powerless" to stop. If something doesn't benefit US, it's cuz it's 4D chess which the rest of the world also couldn't stop. Lmao. Give it a fucking rest.

The fact is that it's CIA that's powerless from preventing India, their so called ally, from getting paralyzed in the moment where the west really needs India, because they're losing the economical war with Russia, another thing CIA is powerless to stop.

True. Just like the death of the Chinese AI scientist, there's no choice but to sit back and observe. However, no one ever said the CIA is infallible. The saying "No plan ever survives contact with the enemy" could apply here.

Modi will already do anything US wants him to do, he's just a greedy and corrupt mfer so he's not being efficient.

This is the point that I was making. They want more; more chaos, more deaths, more war. What Modi is doing (like Zelenskyy) isn't enough. They're not satisfied.

Seems like China is clearly trying to downplay tensions with India because the countless social unrests in India present China with many opportunities to retaliate in response to India's actions against China.

One has to pounder how long China sticks to this pacifist policy in the face of anti-China nationalist governments like the BJP.

Although some consider their current policy infuriating, it really is the best course of action believe it or not. It's more of providing further evidence to the Global South the true face of Western nations. The more you have, the stronger your case is on the international stage. So, when the time comes for Chiina to use the "Big Stick," no one will utter a word against it or give a second thought.


Registered Member
The direct benefit is an increase in action in support of the Western agenda. Just like the Ukrainian situation, Zelenskyy isn't doing enough to the satisfaction of the Americans. It even got the Americans to actually speak up of their frustration with the situation when they usually stay silent; much to Zelenskyy's annoyance.

The diplomatic sabotage in these international organizations is just one play in a series of many planned which that part seems to be completed. However, shoehorning an agitator into an organization can backfire should the political situation of the 'chosen' nation change.
Zelensky is not winning the war because he and his backers don't have enough power to do it. Just yet another thing where US can't do anything but be frustrated about the outcome, rather than some 4D chess master plan.

They can "embarrass" Zelensky but where has that gotten them? It's hard to make a person that already played piano with his dick on live TV any more shameless. At the end of the day, Mr Z shows up asking for a new blank check and NATO has no choice but to simp.
Not necessarily true. It's possible that they're looking to get rid of Modi without making it obvious to everyone. Make him look bad and incompetent and then a savior (Modi's replacement chosen by the usual suspects) steps in to resolve the situation. The meatshield plan comes after India gets their act together to the satisfaction of Western powers.
Modi is the symptom, not the disease. If the American 5D chess agency was able to end Indian corruption and make India efficient, that would be one of the greatest feats in history. US can't even purge corruption inside it's own country, so it's extremely doubtful they can replace the Modi faction with a "more competent" one lol
Actually it's more like a carrot. The 'stick' is when the truth gets spoken more often in the media to embarrass Indian leadership. The goal is a change in policy.
It's not like the west hasn't helped India censor this and is still helping them with it. The current news just slipped out because it reached a breaking point, and even then, the west is still downplaying and doing damage control for their precious Modi.

Just because the sphincter of western censorship cannot fully contain the flood of shitty Indian crimes, it doesn't mean it was a calculated move to embarrass the allies which they're trying the hardest right now to woo.
True. Just like the death of the Chinese AI scientist, there's no choice but to sit back and observe. However, no one ever said the CIA is infallible. The saying "No plan ever survives contact with the enemy" could apply here.
It's an exercise in pointlessness at best and purposeful deceit to overly exaggerate enemy power and believe they're behind any bad event. If US hitmen did attack a military official, there would be war or near warlike footing already.

Imagine applying the same logic and thinking every time some engineers like those TSMC ones die in US, or whenever there's a protest and it turns into big ass riot with looting and shootings, it's because the MSS is secretly behind it. We mock Americans who believe that for a reason. So let's not turn it around.