Jeff, I certainly support the idea of having organic long range ASW capability on a CSG.
I do, however, wonder if a SH-22 might have a negative influence on aviation operations on a carrier.
The old S-3, as a conventional fixed wing airplane, would fit into launch & recovery operations fairly nice. The Osprey is different, though. It would need maybe even the space of both bow cats for launch and might take longer at that than a normal shot. Landing is also different. And most importantly, that Osprey can't really just fold up her wings and move around like all the other planes on the deck, therefore requireing significantly more space on deck, I'd imagine. So maybe there's actually some carrier folks arguing against an Osprey cluttering up their precious flight deck.
But then again there's no alternative on the horizon for this important task. And since I just picked up again a previous hobby of 3D modeling, here's another one.