okay i guess i need to stop here, before mentioning the laser CIWS
The US Navy is already testing Laser CIWS with enough power to defeat cruise mssiles and TBMs with enough power to work against reflective...just depends on the wave length and the power. . Adding armour and what not is not so easy because every bit of extra weight counts, and the amount they can add can be defeated.I doubt very much that lasers alone will be of much use other than blinding unprepared enemy eyes (but that might be a good add on for all ground combat, it has been tested and proven in sport stadions and on airfields). It's simply too easy to create armour in the form of a laser (= ordered light ray) reflecting surface (simple mirror, or shiny metal surface).
But lasers can be quite an add on for particle beams that will be hard to defeat with armour. Such particles could be bullets powered by absorbed laser energy directed heat emission (black body radiation) on their way to achieve less energy loss during flight and possibly even slight dirigibility during flight. Other particle beams could be protons (hydrogen plasma) that can flow through small vacuum channels burned by air absorbing laser energy at very high speeds over great distances without significant gravity effects.
The current success by lasers on the battlefield is due to novelity and not yet made adaptions, but I predict that it will be a short lived effect. Better off will be so called "lasers" that are in reality high energy electron beams = particle beams (mentioned above).
Exactly...a "soft" kill is a kill in terms of defeating its ability to damage or destroy its target.If the lasers might not be strong enough to actually explode an incoming missile, they should still be capable of blinding, or maybe damaging, the IR / EO seeker of an AShM, or even it's radar if so eqiuped. That would still be enough for a defeat.
Talking about the Lasers, here's just a small outlook I created.
E-22 would be GREAT for AEW, particularly for LHD, LHA and CVH or CVL carriers.Technologies I find of interest for the Future of Carrier operations.
E-22 would be GREAT for AEW, particularly for LHD, LHA and CVH or CVL carriers.
UH-22 also for ASW work...take up the old S-3 duties. ....