CV-18 Fujian/003 CATOBAR carrier thread


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The long antennas on an aircraft carrier are used for various purposes. They are called aerials and are used to help the pilots communicate with other people. The antennas can have many different shapes and sizes, which are largely determined by the manufacturer itself. Their shape and placement are usually determined by their directional qualities and the frequencies they use to operate.

If you’re referring to the long poles that extend horizontally off the sides of an aircraft carrier, they are HF radio masts that are hinged down for flying operations. They can be lowered to lay horizontally, presumably to keep them out of the way of any aircraft landing or taking off. They are manually lifted when in close confines.
Thanks for the reply but what I was referring to was the huge number of flat panel arrays on the mast above the island, particularly the array surrounding the mast but between the Satcom dome at the mast top and the funnel. Just below the dome are what looks like x band arrays, possibly connected to a self defense missile system? Below that, wrapped around the mast, are two sizes of flat panels, ECM and/or ECCM perhaps?


What are all of those antennas doing, particularly the massive array above the level of the funnel?
Some antennas are used for communication, others are intended to disrupt communication. Some antennas are used for navigation, others are intended to interfere with it. Some antennas are used to provide an overview, while others are intended to make it more difficult. I think the question is too general to be covered in this thread. There are definitely good specialist forums for electronics.

An aircraft carrier is such a large ship that you're sure to find all forms of electronics on it. This shows the multitude of antennas.


... but what I was referring to was the huge number of flat panel arrays on the mast above the island, particularly the array surrounding the mast but between the Satcom dome at the mast top and the funnel. Just below the dome are what looks like x band arrays, possibly connected to a self defense missile system? Below that, wrapped around the mast, are two sizes of flat panels, ECM and/or ECCM perhaps?
can you mark the antennas you mean on a picture?


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