His main points are as follows:
The launch is delayed to at least late June according to this guy. Opinions?
- He believes the location where 003 will be moved to is still under dredging operations
- There's a notice of delay to the dredging operation until June 30
- As a result he believes 003 will not be out of the drydock until after June 30
- Historically there's no reason for the launch date of 003 to coincide with any other specific/meaningful dates
- A notice will be issued for the towing, so look out for that
All of which are reasonable in my opinion. The biggest assumption he made is the location that 003 will be after launch. If you make the same assumption on the location, then it's reasonable to come to the same conclusion (after June 30). Then again, these points do not go against what we've been discussion here, namely there's no need to launch on any specific date, and that the launch is soon.
All in all, he is not making any outrageous claims (nor anything that we don't know) about the launch date in this video.