Thanks for finding that frontal 002 image. I absolutely agree it's much better to use that one. And we agree on the methodology as well. I am getting 507 pixels for the waterline level beam and 531 pixels with for where you set the upper line. But I am actually not sure if that's the hangar deck level. it may be that hangar sits lower, where there's that opening on the left side of the hull. If so, width there is only 518 pixels. GE images of 002 being built suggest 37.5 m wide hangar level deck. (sadly, this is just estimated value as resolution issues might mean real figure is half a meter off) If one applies that figure to 531 pixels, and then applies it to waterline beam - one gets 35.8 meter waterline beam. If one uses the 518 pixel figure then one gets 36.7 m waterline beam. Both figures are a bit over the usually cited figures for Kuznetsov beam. Though it's perfectly possible those figures are either rounded down or even inaccurate. (While 002 might have a different hull from 001, I find that doubtful) Certainly, the higher, wider point measuring 531 pixels does seem to fit the official 35 m waterline beam narrative better. Still, what is that opening on the left side of the hull, then?
GE image of 002 being built show 25 m wide hangar. Which is a meter less than sometimes quoted Kuznetsov figures. So, what to believe there?
Anyway... due to lack of better info, I am inclined to use the same hull flare out ratio observed from this 002 image to the 003. And IF indeed the hangar deck on 003 is 39.5 wide, then the waterline beam might be anywhere between 38.6 meters wide and 37.7 m wide.
Of course, talking about decimal points when observed image resolutions might yield half a meter or more of error is kind of silly.
While we may discuss WHY does 003 have thicker structure around hangar, those images earlier on do show that they're indeed thicker.
And while we don't have many images, so it's possible we were looking only at a specific part of the hangar that just happens to be more narrow, Occam's razor principle would suggest it's not prudent to count on that.
Ford is around 41 to 42 m wide at its hangar deck level. Again, sadly the resolution is not there on GE to get a better assessment. But likely closer to 42, is the 134 ft waterline beam figure is to be trusted. Hangar width can also be observed in later images and it's indeed between 32 and even close to 33 meters at its widest. Though it does taper off by a few meters forward and back.
002 has great thickness of those walls, so why not 003 as well? Talking about 002, and using a 25-26 m wide hangar for 001/002 lineage in relation to 36.7 to 37.5 m wide hangar deck, then we get 11.6 meters for walls.
Ford class however suggests there's 9 meters allowed for walls.
Evidently the smaller ship does not translate to thinner walls as there are other issues in the equation. Protection might be one of those, but who knows what else might be as well.
If all other things are equal, and if we don't use those images of 003 hangar walls that suggest 26-ish m wide hangar, but just apply the same ratios to 003 that were used in 002 we finally get - 38.15 m hangar level deck minus 11.6 meters equaling 26.55 m wide hangar.
If we go the Ford class ratio route, we get 38.15 m minus 9 meters for a total of 29.15 m wide hangar.
While 003 may be in some respects closer to Ford class than to 002, I also don't see why certain aspects would still not be similar to 002. After all, that's the best and most accurate model to use as a base Chinese builders have.
So, to conclude, hangar is likely between 26 and 29 meters wide, though personally, due to those prior images, I am inclined to believe it's closer to 26.
I hope the other members will excuse me for all these ramblings. I am quite aware that it's a bit pointless trying to get a meter precision out of resources which aren't so precise to begin with. But everyone has hobbies.