He said Jiangnan and Dalien will be building carriers together.
Add up:
LUKAS 韩 usually said that but not in above link.
He also said that 003 and 004 both will be CVN.
He said Jiangnan and Dalien will be building carriers together.
In this comparison, the hangar of the new module would be at the level of the waterline!LUKAS 韩 said in CD forum:
003 or 004 and 002 carriers modules comparison chart, approaching the same angle, 002 just slightly looking down, 3or4 slightly looking up, so it is easy to see.
The user's name 用QQ账号登陸 who is the same person of LUKAS 韩View attachment 48078
With a torpedo protection system reaching three or four decks above the waterline? Never ever!... in my opinion this is a module to be installed on top of the structur like the Module in Dalian.
Since @fzgfzy has marked them in his sketches and I can clearly identify them in the pictures, yes.Sure about the " torpedo protection system" at the real module?
In recent days, the new pictures were exciting, but now all the fanboys come out and present nonsense.
JNCX confirmed
DL confirmed
Question now is which is 003 and which is 004?