asif iqbal
Lieutenant General
Carrier strike group right there
4 x DDG
2 x FFG
Surely a SSN somewhere
Missing is the tanker
4 x DDG
2 x FFG
Surely a SSN somewhere
Missing is the tanker
Probably just a short trip, so to speak, a 1-day tour.Missing is the tanker
Carrier strike group right there
4 x DDG
2 x FFG
Surely a SSN somewhere
Missing is the tanker
And the escorts should stay several thousand meters away - but not for a photo shoot. Then, as an exception, all ships of a taskforce come together.Shouldn't the tanker lag behind some distance away?
I know SCMP isnt exactly loved here,but....
Deputy head of Chinese shipbuilder sacked and expelled from Communist Party
- Graft-buster finds Sun Bo guilty of trading power for financial gain and taking bribes
- Sources say he was investigated for passing information about China’s first aircraft carrier to foreign intelligence agents
。。。。。。。。。。累惨了。瘦了五斤 吐了十几次。。。晕船药似乎没啥效果啊。也可能浪太大。通报说6级海况。。。。还开高速!受不了。测试机库和甲板的飞机固定。。。
话说这次测试整舰 和护航舰艇的电子系统电磁兼容,某国的巡洋舰收到了风声 心急火燎的开过来。。。。![]()
。说看见 实际也就一个黑点。。。别人不说我还以为是个芝麻。。。在编队区域内左冲右突 摆明了捣乱。看见辽宁舰的位置后开直线过来想伴行。中途被一艘大船挡住了。![]()