CV-16, CV-17 STOBAR carrier thread (001/Liaoning, 002/Shandong)


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I particularly like the above discussion regarding the photo posted by Strangelove. Based on Intrepid's explanation, the pic shows:

{a moment on a Chinese aircraft carrier shortly after the recovery phase of a nighttime launch-and-recovery cycle of at least 9 fast jets}

Not too long ago, that phrase could not have existed outside of fiction. The PLAN continues to march steadily along the long road to carrier proficiency. I remember way back when, someone insisted on these forums that the Chinese would never get good at carrier flight ops because the Chinese lacked the "coolness" factor of the Americans.
That statement is kind of stupid and quasi-racist(and I don't play the race card) as the American themselves were amateurs in 1941 compared to the best carrier force in the world -Japan's Kido Butai carrier strike groups that struck Pearl Harbour and ravaged the Pacific and Indian Ocean for nearly 2 years.For instance a 180 to 250 plane strike package from 4 Japanese carriers would only take 15-20 minutes once airborne to assemble and organize toward a target,only after Midway did the USN get this sort of proficiency-and the prewar racist opinions of the Japanese fliers etc were similar to the now opinions of the PLAN CBG/fliers.I hope that it doesn't take a war to prove them wrong.Discipline,proficiency,organization,cool-headed logical assessment decision making is NOT exclusive to just anyone.BTW a lightning quick take-over of TW with minimum loss on both Chinese sides -hermetically sealing TW island and daring US,Japan to cross this redline will put China on the map and erase the Japanese 1895 victory will put paid to the Century of Humiliation-unlike this grinding debacle in Ukraine which has destroyed any goodwill and respect for the Russian Arm forces.
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From 科罗廖夫 weibo



More J-16 pilots qualified for night time ops on CV-17.

Note here, CV-17 is close to achieving full combat capabilities. CV-16 took 9 years to achieve that. CV-17 might get there in 4 years, it looks like