Well As for the taking time in building up a strong naval precense is quite obvious and im sure PLAN staff knows this stuff...But its totally different thing to choose rigth path tho dominance. Time is one thing, doing the rigth choices are another and worst cases time can be the most cripling factor when you notice that some big and expensive way to achieve something turns to be complete waste of time and money. Soviet Unions carrier plans are great example of this. PLAN is now in the edge of those decisions and slow and carefull way to handle things isent automaticly the best and rigth way...
This is specially tru with carriers. Im conviced that china should go in for soon as possiple, finish up the Varyag and begin to introduce naval aviation lagacy for future generations. Soviets tryed the crawl-walk-run accpect and it proved that in those years were complete waste. At the end, VMF was left with in state of learning and trying that didnt much required decades of slow introduction. Those mistakes that they have made with Kuznetsov could have been done in the fiftyes with out the extensive 'practicing' with Kievs and Moskvas... I severly fear that china migth make a same mistake and miss the chnage of life with Varyag. No unused russian carrers would be awaible in bargain prices in near future any longer, and some time, they just have to make the decission, and no pre-introduction can effectively parshe out all the beginers mistakes. Learn by doing!
Also, about training and conscription system. I have to agree with Popeye, NCO doing long time service are the key element in operating extensive equipment and its also main down fall of conscription armyes. USSR suffered it, And we finns do it also. In conscription system, NCOs are merely better trained service mens that serve bit longer than normal crew, but still enters reserve along with them. In finnish army, there are short time servicing former consrcript NCOs whit year- or two deal (they are the far most brickiest type of people existing, total human carbage...sorry, but thats what htey were, at least in my regiment
) Some how all career soldiers are typed as officers and requiring extensive academic training...
This is specially tru with carriers. Im conviced that china should go in for soon as possiple, finish up the Varyag and begin to introduce naval aviation lagacy for future generations. Soviets tryed the crawl-walk-run accpect and it proved that in those years were complete waste. At the end, VMF was left with in state of learning and trying that didnt much required decades of slow introduction. Those mistakes that they have made with Kuznetsov could have been done in the fiftyes with out the extensive 'practicing' with Kievs and Moskvas... I severly fear that china migth make a same mistake and miss the chnage of life with Varyag. No unused russian carrers would be awaible in bargain prices in near future any longer, and some time, they just have to make the decission, and no pre-introduction can effectively parshe out all the beginers mistakes. Learn by doing!
Also, about training and conscription system. I have to agree with Popeye, NCO doing long time service are the key element in operating extensive equipment and its also main down fall of conscription armyes. USSR suffered it, And we finns do it also. In conscription system, NCOs are merely better trained service mens that serve bit longer than normal crew, but still enters reserve along with them. In finnish army, there are short time servicing former consrcript NCOs whit year- or two deal (they are the far most brickiest type of people existing, total human carbage...sorry, but thats what htey were, at least in my regiment