Suspicions on organ trade by Kiev junta forces in occupied parts of east Ukraine.
OSCE Special Representative on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Madina Dzharbusynova stated that the possibility exists that found in mass graves in the Donbass region of the body could be left without internal organs, which could be sold.
She stated this on the TV channel "Ukraine 112." "At the annual meeting of OSCE commitments in the implementation of human rights was made by the representative of non-governmental groups working in this area, that supposedly the Ukraine in the east found burial, where according to the testimony, the bodies were without internal organs, that is here raised the question that there is a trade " - said Jarbussynova. militiamen found Sept. 23 near Donetsk several graves, where, according to local residents, the dead are buried Ukrainian civil security forces. At the request of Prime Minister Alexander DNR Zaharchenko, three graves found about 40 bodies of civilians. Over the weekend, arrived at the scene a group of international observers. militia representatives believe that the killing of civilians - the work of the National Guard soldiers in Ukraine: Ukrainian troops were in the village of Lower Jug since April and left there on 21 September. The Russian Foreign Ministry believes that "there is a very severe symptoms," to believe that the killings of civilians may have been involved in the security forces of the National Guard. In Kiev, deny it. representative of the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko said earlier that in this place, "no soldier of the National Guard was never found," but there were other units zinc PS. There was so much shouting on the fact that the trade bodies in the Donbas is fake and a horror story, but podizh you have already reached to the OSCE history. Meanwhile continuing discovery of new graves punishers tortured civilians and militias. Bearing in mind that the detection and esgumatsii such graves in fact at the very beginning, I believe that such terrible discoveries will still not enough. Notably, the junta is trying to divide natsigvardiyu and "other security forces," they say natsigvardiya certainly can, but the rest - below neither. But remembering the mutilated prisoners, bullied by the 25th Airmobile Brigade and ordered Strelkova officers of this brigade to take no prisoners, it is like trying to dump all the crimes of the Wehrmacht to the SS. It is clear that within the purpose of scapegoats, the blame will try to put the blame on punitive battalions.