Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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It wasn't new already. It's was well known by that date. I don't know how a sane man can deliver such a message to the whole world, simply put. It seems that many people like Dr Li simply wasted their lives for denial...

If it's actually well-known and only the insane would deliver such a message then the message couldn't possibly have done any harm, right? Assuming the world leaders are not ignorant lunatics.


For Christ's sake! Those are simple facts!!!

If you want to ban me then ban WHO altogether with me as well!
So what? Mistakes were made; the WHO made mistakes; China made mistakes. China's mistakes were made early, when understanding of the virus was almost non-existent, and quickly reversed, still providing over a month's worth of early warning to other nations that China never got. But after seeing everything happen in Wuhan, the EU and US still made bigger mistakes. There are countries like Belarus and Brazil that even now continue to make mistakes and don't take this seriously. Japan once said the Olympics will absolutely not be moved.

At the end of the day, we can only take responsibility for ourselves and make our own decisions based on our own knowledge. Nobody owes anybody anything; most countries like China will do our best for both ourselves and the international community as well out of courtesy but don't act like it's a debt to be perfect when everyone else is far from it. If anybody wants to complain about China, they can figure this thing out for themselves like China did.

What's your point?
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Junior Member
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In all fairness, the US is in dire situation far worse than Canada's. So it is reasonable for Trump to tell 3M not to ship any N95 face masks manufactured in the US to Canada.

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Canada can still purchase them in the international market. Being a "friendly" nation to China, may be Trudeau can give Xi a call and ask him to prioritize some for Canada.
In all fairness, Iran is in very much worst humanitarian situation than USA weeks ago, yet sanctions not lifted but doubled up. We are living in a new normal.


Lieutenant General
The transmission capability of
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patients of
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is about 1/3 of that of symptomatic ones, said Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday, citing a study recently published in Chinese Journal of Epidemiology.
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For Christ's sake! Those are simple facts!!!

If you want to ban me then ban WHO altogether with me as well!

You need a certain sample size and sufficient evidence to prove a theory in life science. China probably had neither in early January. Also, not a single country banned outbound international travel in the early stage of the outbreak. The only reason there are a few countries doing it now is because they are worried that returnees may bring the virus back, not because they are worried that travelers will bring the virus out. Blaming China for not banning outbound international travel when the reality of the event was not at all clear in the early stage is just double-standard and hypocrisy.

In other news, FDA finally approved China's KN95 masks, which has been acknowledged by 3M as equivalent to their N95 all along.

FDA changes course and allows China's KN95 mask to be used in US

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Situation in the New York metro area on April 3 at 5:00 Pm EDT:




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Situation in the U.S. on April 3 at 8:00 pm EDT:



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Projected deaths in the U.S.:


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Nice to see European solidarity at work here. The latest of an increasing line of shipments being diverted, intercepted and confiscated by one country over another. You better believe it, its every country for themselves now.

Turkey seizes 150 respirators from China bound for Spain.

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reservior dogs

Junior Member
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First of all, it's not an interrogation so that you can't question anyone just 'because'.

Secondly, back up your post with a believable timeline of how it unfoleded if you would like to make a point. Because we're in 2020 now and if you want to bring to prove that somebody's lying then prove it for once.

Like I did for example. If you can't provide - don't bother.

The Chinese might well be lying about the virus, but to see what likely happened there, we can figure out by take a look at the facts as we know in the West, which are undisputed.

1. In the U.S., while there were handful of cases, it really took off in about mid Feb. By the end of March, we are staring at tens of thousands of cases with multiple epicenters. That is with social distancing in effect around mid March and the media blasting 24/7. We see similar trajectory in Italy and other European countries. Once you got a few hundred cases, it ramps up very quickly.

2. Unrestricted travel while the virus is in the population mean it would spread to every state in the U.S., We are seeing this here. In less than two months time, we are looking at hundreds of thousands of cases in multiple epicenters.

3. The Chinese are as interconnected within China as the Americans are inside the U.S. You can take a high speed rail from one corner of the country to another.

4. The Chinese told the world about this at the end of 2019 (Dec. 29th).

5. The Chinese New Year is Jan. 25. Travel is the heaviest a week before that.

6. The Chinese locked down Wuhan on Jan. 23.

With all these facts, it is possible to see how long China (or the local government) managed to hide the true extent of the problem. We know with high certainty that travel restriction was not enacted before the lock down, or we would hear about this in social media. In a country the size of China, you simply can't enact travel restriction secretly, especially around Chinese New Year. We know that there weren't multiple epicenters in China, or the lock down would be extended to cities in other provinces. If the virus had started circulating at the beginning of Nov., with three months of unrestricted travel, you would definitely see it spread across much of the country with multiple epicenters. They could still contain it, but would have to lock down many other cities in other provinces Wuhan style. The numbers of dead in other parts of China would skyrocket. With the world looking at them intensely since the lock down, we have seen a handful of cities being locked down in the Province of Hubei but not outside it. Using a similar timeline as the epidemic happened in the West, we can deduce that single cases probably started popping up by early December and it really started with hundreds of cases by mid December. In the most egregious scenario, they withheld the information for about two weeks.