Lieutenant General
Interesting how all these new worse variants popping up are coming from countries that didn't take COVID-19 seriously except maybe South Africa. I hadn't heard if the government there was like the others.
What they want is this.That piece was nit picking BS of the highest order.
The entire tone of the piece was to act as if China had all the knowledge it does now from the very first minute of the outbreak.
The secrecy was entirely warranted given what was suspected. Had China just did a Twitter livestream as those idiots wanted, it would have made things a million times worse for both China and the world.
China isn’t some remote 3rd world backwater, if the government had gone public with things as soon as it was discovered, it would have caused mass panic and a mass exodus of people out of Wuhan to the rest of China and the world, supercharging the virus spread.
China first needed to be sure what this was, and then needed time to prepare for a total lockdown of Wuhan, something the same western journalists and medical hacks who are criticising China now were laughing at China at the time for the ‘extreme overreaction’ and ‘violation of human rights’.
The very fact that only a tiny percentage of the confirmed cases in the west originated from Wuhan is testimony to the effectiveness of the Chinese response (European and American outbreaks only really kicked off in earnest when tourists returned home from skii holidays in Italy after Easter).
I have a very simple answer to the western Karens complaining about China’s initial response - would a few extra days’ warning have stopped your own elected leaders from being the total fucktards that they are? No? Well how would it have made any difference to their response to the pandemic when they wasted months doing F all to prepare and instead focused all their efforts on kicking China while it was down?
The blame for the virus raging completely out of control in the west lies solely and squarely with western leaders, scientists and journalists. How dare you complain of days when your own response time is measured in months? How many months did it take for the UK to report its own new variant?
I would curse them with a pox on their house, but that seems redundant at this point.
Its just how evolution works. Every infection is technically a variant. Just like all living organisms, every offspring produces tiny change of the parents DNA. For example even in dogs, cats or humans or any animals will produce different offsprings even with same parents. These tiny random changes in DNA are the organism iteration so that it will have a higher chance to thrive in its environment. One visible instance of this adaptation, all white skin humans thrive in northern latitudes because they have to adapt with the lower sunlight intensity it received there. The same is true with darker skin, to protect from too much sunlight.Interesting how all these new worse variants popping up are coming from countries that didn't take COVID-19 seriously except maybe South Africa. I hadn't heard if the government there was like the others.
Large populations and time increases the likelihood of new variants to show up hence why countries especially with large populations should take it seriously.Its just how evolution works. Every infection is technically a variant. Just like all living organisms, every offspring produces tiny change of the parents DNA. For example even in dogs, cats or humans or any animals will produce different offsprings even with same parents. These tiny random changes in DNA are the organism iteration so that it will have a higher chance to thrive in its environment. Once visible instance of this adaptation, all white skin humans thrive in northern latitudes because they have to adapt with the lower sunlight intensity it received there. The same is true with darker skin, to protect from too much sunlight.
Back to the virus, these organisms have a very short lifespan and doesnt need sex for procreation. Therefore the more it can find a human or any animal host the more it can produce random DNA iterations to thrive in its enviroment. There are millions of viruses out there but they dont just simply come out because they circulate only at certain populations.
What we are seeing all those UK variants, South Africa variants, or whatever variants is the proof that the virus wants to thrive to their respective environments.
The more infections the better will be thee virus iteration. That is why its very important to slow this virus iteration process until our human bodies can adapt to have defence mechanisms against this coronavirus.
What they want is this.
They want China to have locked down the whole country, so COVID couldn't escape China. So we Westerners not be affected.
The problem is this. If China had done so, which obviously wasn't feasible in the slightest degree, China would have been accused of
A. Locking up foreigners in China and preventing them from escaping to spread COVID, which is a human rights and diplomatic violation
B. Putting 1 billion people in a prison cell, which is a human rights violation
Now that China has been extremely successful in containing COVID, the media is now saying the 'human costs' of China's success is a human rights violation.
Essentially if China had locked down the whole country to spare muh Westerner precious lyfe, it would still be condemned of Great Evil. Might as well just spread the virus, then.
Counter-points to the "German Immunologists" (not Epidemiologist btw)
If we killed everyone, that means no one can be infected anymore, amirite