Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Spicy stuff. Not only did Chinese Foreign Ministry call for Fort Detrick to be investigated, a military programme on CCTV discussed biological warfare. Cao Weidong asked that Fort Detrick be investigated, while Du Wenlong talked about biological weapon labs in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) that could be used to unleash bioweapons on countries. Du said these bioweapons could be haplogroup-specified to target certain ethnic groups while leaving the Caucasian race unaffected (白人). He literally said that bioweapons could be engineered for the extermination of target nations and ethnic groups (民族). Both Cao and Du are well known and respected experts in the Chinese military.

Interesting that it is mentioned there is ongoing research on weapons that would protect the Caucasian race while exterminating everyone else.
Hilariously it seems to have backfired quite badly to say the least and now that they are trying to roll out these Pfizer vaccines in predominantly western nations, it might end up being the straw that breaks the camels back in that future contagions may target that Caucasians more readily and this is without anyone’s input other then their own, see being evil doesn’t pay since trying to play God is going to be the death of these idiots


This is not a China vs. West thing. The ability to manufacture and distribute their vaccines effectively depends on how effective each government can be. The ability to convince your people to take the vaccines depends on the culture and government. That, you can pitch one nation against another. One individual vaccine can be better than others. You can say one nation has better ability to design/manufacture/distribute vaccines. But it has nothing to do with technologies. The vaccine technologies are independent of national borders. Everyone in the world is doing the same things and using the same technologies at their disposal. None of these technologies is any secret.

I would say the issue is that China went with a tried and true method of developing vaccines in the face of this pandemic, conducting Phase 3 trials all over the world with large numbers of participants and going through rigorous scientific analysis and reviews.

In contrast, western vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna picked a completely new and unproven method of developing vaccines, obviously cut corners on Phase 3 trials by using small numbers of participants, and obfuscated the data to make their vaccines appear more effective than they were. Plus, there's that whole "no liability" thing.