Personally I don't like the term "British virus" as well as "Chinese virus". The same to the term "the new variant was originated in the XXX". We should say it was first identified in the XXX. This is the world's virus, human's virus. It's the problem of all humankind, not of any particular nation.
Covas (director of the Butantan Institute) said it predicts that higher effectiveness will be seen in community use, and that it expects the vaccine will have a very high effectiveness among the general population similar to trials in other countries.
Volunteers for Sinovac's vaccine in Brazil are all medical workers who are at the highest risk of infection. It is also the world's first Phase III clinical trials conducted among only medical workers, reads the Sinovac document.
Medical workers are in a high exposure population, which would decrease vaccine's protection efficacy, Shao noted, citing an example of previous international Phase III clinical trials on an AIDS vaccine.
The trials show that the vaccine's efficacy is 30 percent in Thailand but 0 percent in South Africa while AIDS incidence rate in South Africa is four times that of Thailand.
The more a vaccine is attacked by the virus, the lower its efficacy would be, which could explain the comparatively low efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines in medical workers, Shao explained.
It is notable that the infection risk of Sinovac's trial environment is three times higher than Pfizer's and six times higher than Moderna's, Shao stressed. He said that the protection rate of a vaccine not only depends on its efficacy but also its environment of infection risk. He thought that Sinovac's vaccine would show better protection rate in the public.
We chose the broadest number of symptoms. We would like to capture even the most simple symptoms. Those symptoms have not been included in similar studies, he said.
The trials in Brazil also recorded the biggest ratio of slight symptom cases - 85 percent - as the team used highly sensitive Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test.
Recently, AstraZeneca released detailed data on its vaccine which shows it has a 70 percent efficacy for people showing symptoms and 27 percent efficacy for silent virus carriers.
There were also 1,394 volunteers who received two doses three weeks apart instead of two weeks apart. Efficacy among the former group is about 20 percent higher than the latter group, which means the overall efficacy could improve if all volunteers follow a 21 day schedule for second doses, Shao Yiming, one of the vaccine developers and AIDS expert at the China's CDC, told the Global Times on Tuesday.
These results demonstrate that the Sinovac vaccine would not lead to antibody-dependent enhancement which could bring about the failure of vaccines and infections that are even more serious.
CoronaVac's clinical trials on children and pregnant women will be conducted soon, according to Brazilian official.
Ukraine pharma group to supply 5 mln doses of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in H1
KYIV, Jan 12 (Reuters) - Ukrainian pharmaceutical company Lekhim plans to deliver 5 million doses of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to Ukraine in the first half of 2021, the company told Reuters on Tuesday.
Lekhim has signed an agreement with China's leading vaccine manufacturer Sinovac Biotech on vaccine supply, Lekhim's head of marketing Eleonora Miroshnik said.
It includes 1.8 million doses to be delivered starting from March under health ministry procurement, she said.
Ukraine's presidential office said in late December that the health minister had signed a contract to buy 1.8 million doses of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine.
The Sinovac vaccine will be supplied independently of the COVAX initiative, which is coordinated by the World Health Organization.
Ukraine hopes to receive 8 million doses under the COVAX scheme.
Nah, that's too kind. Never seek equality from others and never give equality. Seize the advantage and make others seek equality from you. To me, the original COVID is "the virus first discovered in Wuhan because the Chinese are the most diligent and alert." The COVID situation in America is the Trump Plague and the new variant is the Bojo UK Virus-on-Steroids LOLPersonally I don't like the term "British virus" as well as "Chinese virus". The same to the term "the new variant was originated in the XXX". We should say it was first identified in the XXX. This is the world's virus, human's virus. It's the problem of all humankind, not of any particular nation.
The domestic cases were reported in northern and northeastern China: 90 in Hebei Province, 16 in Heilongjiang Province and one in Shanxi Province.
Origin came from abroad, most of the infected are from a village near the airport
Origin came from abroad, most of the infected are from a village near the airport