Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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It seems like China's traditional vaccines will have fewer longer term side effects. It is better to wait to see how these American vaccines using newer methods perform over the first few months.
The Deagal forecast that America population becomes 100 million by 2025... now I see a "viable path to 100 million" is at least hypothetically possible


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Looks like gordon chang has gone full retard
But if what he is saying is true its good that China has an active and sophisticated bioweapon program to add her strategic deterrence options
Gordon Chang again..... funny for a supposed China expert he seems to pretend to know nothing about America itself, I mean his allegations that China could be creating bioweapon that targets specific race is nothing new, esp since America itself first published these plans in its PNAC documents shortly after 911 false flag Northwoods style WTC7 "we pulled it"....

Like they accuse China of creating supersoldiers but US had secret programs on genetically enhance decades ago...

Gordan has been consistently wrong on every prediction, so the day he says China is going to overtake American then I might get worried and take him seriously


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Looks like gordon chang has gone full retard
But if what he is saying is true its good that China has an active and sophisticated bioweapon program to add her strategic deterrence options

That pic in the article... did Gordon Chang seriously dye his hair brown lmao...

I guess he doesn't even care to be subtle about his self-hate anymore.


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Looks like gordon chang has gone full retard
But if what he is saying is true its good that China has an active and sophisticated bioweapon program to add her strategic deterrence options
While Gordon Chang is just being his usual self, the propaganda war against China has indeed reached a disgusting fevered pitch recently. The newest meme: mad Chinese scientists are creating "super soldiers" using bioegineering to threat the rest of the world, without a shred of evidence. Here is Caitlin Johnstone's take:
So We’re Already At The ‘Chinese Super Soldiers’ Part Of The Propaganda Campaign
A claim without evidence made by a spy chief about the world being threatened by Chinese supervillains with extraordinary powers given to them by unethical Chinese mad scientists should of course be dismissed with a scoff and a vulgar gesture. Instead, CIA assets like Dilanian are leading the charge to throw the entire might of the plutocratic media into driving this nonsense as far into western consciousness as possible. This ridiculous story has been picked up not just by Murdoch outlets like The New York Post, but by outlets like The Guardian and NBC as well.

Truth, as they say, is the first casualty in war. With its emphasis on global narrative control in lieu of conventional military tactics, this is doubly true of cold war.

Painting the Chinese government as a cartoon villain willing to perpetrate any evil to conquer the world and drag it into the darkness, opposed only by the plucky forces of light in our own government, is as transparent a propaganda construct as it gets. If we had an actual news media this idiocy would be called out, questioned and and scrutinized for all the world to see, and the public reminded of the US intelligence community’s extensive history of lying to promote pre-planned agendas against targeted governments.

What we will get instead is a steady stream of increasingly incendiary claims about China being parroted without evidence by the mass media who serve as mouthpieces for the most sociopathic government agencies on this planet. This is because China, like Russia, Iran, Venezuela and the other nations which have resisted absorption into the US-centralized empire, insists on its own self-sovereignty and has therefore found itself in the imperial crosshairs.
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Actually its more likely the pandemic was a plot to stop China ascension at all costs, even if the world was collateral damage... but maybe it didn't pass quality control (not unlike those CDC test swabs and the mRNA vacs rushed out the door) and they cannot deal with the blowback of a dark op gone wrong (and didn't expect China to react so well, after all maybe they were going off that list that said US #1 and China #51) and now have to reverse projection (they have now accused China of recreating targeted racial biovirus) it onto China yet once again... just like the Captain China allegation... something something Quantum China Winter Soldier


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Looks like gordon chang has gone full retard
But if what he is saying is true its good that China has an active and sophisticated bioweapon program to add her strategic deterrence options

Anyone with any braincells should roll their eyes when they got to this line " The damning allegations having been levelled at the nation by writer Gordon Chang, the man behind the 2001 book The Coming Collapse of China. " Unfortunately.... people just like to read sensationalize content.


This is bad news. The Denmark mink mutated coronavirus strain has been found in Poland and France. The current vaccines do not work on this new strain. If this gets out of control we might be looking at several more months of lockdowns until they can create and distribute a new vaccine for this new strain of the new coronavirus. But this feels like the beginning of the year with just a few cases here and there and not taken seriously enough. And we all know how that ended. But we will have to wait and see.

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