Chinese researchers claim COVID-19 originated in Greece or India
The Chinese researchers say the analysis disproves the theory that the virus first appeared in Wuhan, and suggests eight other countries as the source of the pandemic: Bangladesh, India, Italy, the United States, Greece, Australia, the Czech Republic, Russia and Serbia.
Of these countries, India and Bangladesh emerge as the leading candidates. The fact that the two Asian countries have inadequate health systems may have allowed COVID-19 to spread silently and reach China, possibly via Europe.
“Our result shows that Wuhan is not the place where human-to-human SARS-CoV-2 transmission first happened. Before it spread to Wuhan, SARS-CoV-2 has already experienced adaptive evolution during its human-to-human transmission,” the three researchers wrote.
The study has been submitted to The Lancet, but has not yet been peer reviewed.
Anyone knows what to make of this paper submitted to the Lancet?
The Chinese researchers say the analysis disproves the theory that the virus first appeared in Wuhan, and suggests eight other countries as the source of the pandemic: Bangladesh, India, Italy, the United States, Greece, Australia, the Czech Republic, Russia and Serbia.
Of these countries, India and Bangladesh emerge as the leading candidates. The fact that the two Asian countries have inadequate health systems may have allowed COVID-19 to spread silently and reach China, possibly via Europe.
“Our result shows that Wuhan is not the place where human-to-human SARS-CoV-2 transmission first happened. Before it spread to Wuhan, SARS-CoV-2 has already experienced adaptive evolution during its human-to-human transmission,” the three researchers wrote.
The study has been submitted to The Lancet, but has not yet been peer reviewed.
Anyone knows what to make of this paper submitted to the Lancet?