I’m not sure if you are trying to make the case that the novel Coronavirus is no different than the flu...
My guess is you are trying to argue that, since flu was even more deadly when it first appeared, the Coronavirus is no different than the flu. However, THE biggest difference between the Coronavirus and the flu is that we have lived with the flu for millions of years, while the Coronavirus is new. That is the main reason for the much higher fatality and morbidity that we see now. For any viral contagion, whether we have immunity against it makes the difference between night and day. That’s the whole purpose of the vaccines, giving us a small dose of what the virus is like so that our body doesn’t freak out when the actual virus attacks.
In that sense, your argument is actually why the novel Coronavirus is very very very different than the flu, and why we should be very alert about the Coronavirus. We don’t want to repeat what we experienced when we first saw flu. Nobody wants to be in the 90% wiped out by a virus, and no one wants to volunteer for the greater good!