I do not wish for that midnight knock on my door.
You got to wait for another, or the same former Indian-Nepali? migrant worker to wax lyrical praises on her.
If you read between the lines of that AP article, that pointed criticism that was quoted came from an American and an Australian. Coincidence?
That being said, you can’t go into this with eyes closed and act like no mistakes were made in China. That AP article doesn’t really mention anything that wasn’t already posted here before. The only difference is that it makes it seem malicious.
1. The genome sequence was first discovered by a private lab. However by Chinese law, they cannot release the data until a government lab had verified it. Is this something that will be changed in the future? Hopefully so.
2. Lack of disclosure from Chinese CDC. Similar situation as above, Chinese CDC is not exactly like US CDC and has no decision making capacity. It cannot declare public health emergency or anything like that. That must be done by Ministry of Health. Again, another case of too many bureaucratic hurdles.
3. Destruction of samples except for approved labs. This was briefly touched on, but it should be emphasized that once it was verified to be a new virus, only the high BSL labs could research it for safety reasons (ironically to prevent “lab leak”).
Things that were not mentioned in the AP article that should also be pertinent.
1. US eliminating official cooperation between US CDC and Chinese CDC established during SARS. This is a frequent point of friction for critics of Trump as this was seen as a purely political gesture and might have improved the US (maybe worldwide) response to the virus.
2. Government officials in Wuhan have already been sacked over missteps such as that New Years party. Accountability was swift.
3. Technical issues with an outbreak reporting system caused delays in information sharing.
Many useful articles on these subjects were posted by @OppositeDay on this thread.
As the article pointed out, uch improvements have been made since SARS. So if there is a chance for further improvements, they must be adopted.
alpha queen of Singapore, even more badass than her husband Lee.
why compare 2 dates with no immediate connection? why not compare date first decoded vs date WHO published the genome? probably the outbreak "spread factor" wasn't as impressive
Central China's Hubei Province cleared all its confirmed COVID-19 cases on Thursday, the provincial health commission said Friday.
As of Thursday, the last three COVID-19 patients in the province had been cured.
No new asymptomatic cases were reported on Thursday, while 28 such cases were released from quarantine. Besides, 217 asymptomatic cases were still under medical observation as of Thursday.
Hubei had reported a total of 68,135 confirmed COVID-19 cases with 4,512 deaths.
Thirty-four of China's central state-owned enterprises (SOEs) signed contracts for 72 projects worth 327.73 billion yuan (about 46.1 billion U.S. dollars) with central China's Hubei Province Wednesday to help it recover from the COVID-19 outbreak.
Hubei province and Wuhan city cleared all confirmed COVID-19 cases.
In addition, a free trade zone in Hubei will be established. Hopefully, Hubei and Wuhan can rise like phoenixes.