Junior Member
They are desperately searching for ways to punish China without shooting themselves in the foot, good luck with that lol
Disclaimer: This is an opinion
If U.S. decides to confiscates China's U.S Treasury bonds( $1 trillion) then China cannot buy Middle Eastern oil, since the Arabs want payment in U.S. dollars. This forces China to create a new international currency using China currency , Renminbi(Yuan). This is possible because China produces everything from A to Z. The customer holding the Renminbi is happy because they know that they can buy anything under the sun. If the Arabs refuse to accept Renminbi as payment, then China has to break the embargo against Iran, and buy oil (and natural gas) from her, which Iran will gladly sell. This means China will have to finish the giant oil/natural gas pipeline that runs from Iran, and cuts across through "all weather friend" Pakistan, and directly into China. That pipeline(s) was always on the drawing board but never realized due mainly to the oil embargo set by the U.S.. In the meantime China will buy oil (and natural gas) from Russia in the next 25 years.