Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


One short month and 50,000 people are dead from COVID-19 in the US, and at least 14,000 people are infected in Ontario, with over 300 cases in our town.

My family and I have been staying home for five weeks now. We've made a total of two trips to a public place in all that time: once to a Chinese grocery store early into the quarantine, and a second trip to Costco a week ago. Aside from those two trips, we've been buying grocery online. Our main concern was milk. With seven people in the house, we go through a dozen eggs every two days and 12L of milk every week. Online grocery shopping restricts the amount of milk we can buy, and pickup slots need to be booked 1-2 weeks in advance. We had to make the Costco trip because that was our only option to get a sufficient milk stockpile. Fortunately we have a big freezer in the basement so we've been freezing all the milk. Currently, I calculate we have enough milk to last us a month, and if we keep getting milk from online grocery, we could potentially stretch that stockpile much longer.

With milk secured, fresh fruits and vegetables have become our main concern. Just yesterday, our Walmart grocery order was cancelled without explanation an hour before we were supposed to pick it up. Fortunately, we were able to order more from Chinese sellers in WeChat groups, but it was pretty stressful for a while. Who'd have thought grocery would become such a source of anxiety?

These days, I'm waiting for the weather to warm up, not because I think it'll help reduce COVID-19 infections, but because I want to start working on my garden. This year, it seems there's extra incentive to growing your own food!


For herd immunity, 55 million people in Germany must either have been infected or received a vaccination. 100,000 have already recovered from the disease! We are on the right track to survive.
For herd immunity, 55 million people in Germany must either have been infected or received a vaccination. 100,000 have already recovered from the disease! We are on the right track to survive.

How can you explain why Germany has a low mortality rate and perform extensive testing without over-burdening the health care system?
I think the key difference compared to other European countries is a more resilient and better Health Care infrastructure to absorb the surge, Want to know your thoughts.