Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)

There will also be such people if I keep in mind the many conspiracy theories that are constantly emerging.

In the past, people believed in miracles when something was inexplicable to them. Today they come up with conspiracy theories.

Indeed there is no shortage of such people. Foolish to think otherwise.
See Tweet below from US Senator Tom Cotton.

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Junior Member
Registered Member
I'm still interested in answers to Today at 7:57 AM

my two questions about those "migrant workers"
  1. how many of them are there in Singapore, and
  2. why aren't they shipped back to where they came from?

EDIT if someone thought those questions were off topic, please consider
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I answered your question in full about 4 hours ago.
For some strange reasons, my detailed answers were deleted and scrubbed away.

I fear to answer again in case the cone of silence and shame be placed again on my head be that for a week, or to eternity.
And the midnight knock be heard from my door.

They who have the money to buy GOLD Standard , might have very long reach that perhaps extend into forums

But if you are truly interested in getting answers, you can go to
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Search for answers written by mscitw, and you be rewarded.

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Apr 11, 2020
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as of now, it appears to work: 'manageable' mortality rate
(according to 76 April 6; 114 April 7; 96 April 8; 106 April 9; 77 April 10:
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), economy not wrecked
  • 392 new cases and 40 new deaths in
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    April 19 (no idea why they didn't put here source at -- that's where I took it from)
  • 563 new cases and 29 new deaths in
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    ] April 18
  • 606 new cases and 111 new deaths in
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    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    ] April 17


Yes, the US economy depends on people working for a living, some peoples businesses have died never to return, so it is going to be a real challenge to strike a proper balance ...
With Covid-19, a currency comes into the consciousness of people that is more important than all other money in the world: systemic relevance. This means the things and activities that are necessary for the functioning of the community and for the survival of all.

An economically healthy country should be able to guarantee the lives of its residents regardless of their livelihood during a situation like the Covid-19 pandemic.

We'll have to think about it a lot.
If China had allowed US "experts" to "help", there wouldn't be a different negative story spun? They act as if they know everything now without being in China. Look at the scandal of Chinese computer chips found in US military hardware. Senator John McCain called for an investigation and demanded China allow investigators into Chinese high tech factories to get to the bottom of it. What would that have done? It was just theater. If they wanted to know the truth, all they had to do was to go to the US military contractor, who wasn't Chinese because if he or she were, that would've been reported in the news furthering the conspiracy that Chinese agents infiltrated the US military industrial complex replacing computer chips in some grander act of war conspiracy, who decided he wanted to make a profit by buying the cheaper Chinese alternative just so he can make a bigger commission. No drums of war beating at all. Just John McCain thinking having the US have access to a factory would answer all the questions of how did Chinese computer chips ended up in US military hardware.

Yet another example of out of control greed blaming everyone and everything else. Fair warning to the many posters in this forum who makes excuses for excessive greed and fancies it can't happen where you live or you can only benefit from it, you're helping make it happen. to yourself someday.
was worth reading, LOL it's exceedingly funny in one part (the cottage)
‘Grotesque’: UK ministers defend PM Boris Johnson’s coronavirus response after damning report
  • PM Boris Johnson criticised for his early handling of the crisis
  • Comes as nation reels from mounting death toll
so follow the link
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if interested
Anyone who thinks US demands to allow access for investigators is to look for the truth is unbelievably naive. If China was stupid enough to allow it, it won’t be a fact finding mission, but a dirt finding fishing expedition where every tiny genuine error and mistake would be treated as part of some giant deliberate conspiracy.

Even if after all that the investigators find zero damming proof, that in itself would be spun into proof of a Chinese cover up and hence guilt.

Yup. Remember WMDs in Iraq?


Post coronavirus world will be a world rife with retributions and conflicts against China however unjustified it may be, hopefully Xi Jinping can steel himself and his fellow Chinese to prepare for such a long struggle,
I fear for overseas Chinese who lives in western countries, especially those working in sensitive industries in the us, they will be rounded up mccarthy style, and internment camps is not out of question, if i were Xi Jinping i would run a huge propaganda campaign inviting Chinese american scientists and specialists to come back to China, entice them with better salary than what they would get in the us and convince them that there is no future for people like them in the us in the new cold war that without a doubt have start

Unlike many think, going back to China is not an option for most of the Chinese Americans. Although you do see many have gone back, vast majority have decided to stay in the US. As I have said before, take me as an example, my whole family is here and my career is here. Uprooting all that and going to another country is not an option. Also, we left China in the 80's because China was not ideal. And now we are leaving the US because the US is no longer ideal? What happens if China becomes non-ideal again? We move back to the US? This back and forth sounds very unacceptable to me ethically...

Let's leave the ethics out of it for a moment, just think who would still trust us again if we keep switching sides? Even if we go back to China, who do you think the Chinese government will suspect first when the US and China start another conflict? Yes, that would be the "Chinese American double spies" sent back to China by the US... You think we will be in a better boat? You think we won't be rounded up in some sort of camp? What do you think the common native Chinese will say about us? Keep in mind that, by that time, we would have switched sides twice... Where is our allegiance?

Although I fear a few irrational and unstable ones who would do crazy things (that's why I own firearms), I do believe that things in the US will turn for the better. This is not the 1950's and 1960's. We have gone through that and have learned our lessons. Also, Chinese Americans are no longer the same Japanese Americans during the WWII. We have our voices and our political clout.
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