China needs to focus on self reliance now more than ever. Develop its domestic internal markets. Its large enough to live comfortably within itself.
Took good 20 years for the USA between 1930 and 1950 to do that. With the help of the 2nd WW.
China needs to focus on self reliance now more than ever. Develop its domestic internal markets. Its large enough to live comfortably within itself.
Mysterious Heart Damage, Not Just Lung Troubles, Befalling COVID-19 Patients
By APRIL 6, 2020
While the focus of the COVID-19 pandemic has been on respiratory problems and securing enough ventilators, doctors on the front lines are grappling with a new medical mystery.
In addition to lung damage, many COVID-19 patients are also developing heart problems — and dying of cardiac arrest.
As more data comes in from China and Italy, as well as Washington state and New York, more cardiac experts are coming to believe the COVID-19 virus can infect the heart muscle. An initial study found cardiac damage in as many as 1 in 5 patients, leading to heart failure and death even among those who show no signs of respiratory distress.
I have always wondered, is there anyone here in this forum that actually lives in China? Can they ( Chinese inside China) access this forum. I always try to seek views from all sides.
Must’ve been a relatively recent block. I had no problem accessing sinodefence from China in 2017.Im sure the moderators can look at the IP addresses can get some analytics if they wanted to...
I WeChat my cousin in China he says from where he is this site is blocked but recently even NordVPN and a lot of the VPN are blocked in China, he still managed to connect via TOR after some initial configuring...
There is always trade-offs. If a pandemic is bad enough, it is possible that the trade-off is worth-while. People talk about a vaccine that will take 18 months to develop. Clearly, this is not to test side effects that will show up later in life, nor to test impact on the reproductive system. What I am suggesting is to test the immediate impact of the vaccine on the healthy, which in most vaccines constitute the bulk of the side effects. If it is significantly less than the death rate of 1%+, we should consider fast tracking it if we are marching toward a direction of herd immunity due to economic pressures. Most of the vaccine side effects are autoimmune in nature. 1% death from a vaccine is highly unlikely. In other vaccines, we are talking at least a couple of order of magnitude smaller.Problem is, giving vaccine without its safety fully proven over a given time, serious complications or defects can emerge later in life or in the next generation. This can condemned people's life forever. Intentionally cutting corners with protections by law is highly irresponsible.The unknown is not worth the risk.
just a tidbit (I heard he'd taken his family to a beach):
I was able to access CDF and SDF on my trip to China early Last year