Lieutenant General
Joy, gratitude,honor and sense of accomplishment Job well done now take a rest and lead normal life
if this is true, it would be simply insane!
Normal life returning to China Spring will be here And the virus is beaten
View attachment 58632
School has started in Xinjiang
First day of school: Classrooms reopen Monday in Xinjiang, NW China, as epidemic wanes
People forget that Wuhan is the detroit of China cluster of automobile manufacturer
Dongfeng Honda resume production
Wuhan will end lockdown in 2 weeks
Traffic jam is back in Wuhan
Joy, gratitude,honor and sense of accomplishment Job well done now take a rest and lead normal life
Officially there's 500 case and 10 deaths. Out of 1.4 billion.
They have tested 15,000 so far.That would be an exceptionally pro-active move if those infection and death figures are accurate.
But given what has been happening all over the world, India would have to be mad to not take this seriously given their comparatively less advanced healthcare sector and high population density. Although one would have thought much more stringent boarder checks would have been a more reasonable step before a full lockdown, which is usually only necessary if the virus has achieved breakout.
Anyone have any information on how many people the Indian government have tested to date?
The US Military has restrictions on operations in the US save on bases. This includes hospitals. As such the arm that responds is the Army National guard. But even then they need permission not just from the President but from the State Governor. The State Governor and government is the lead on natural disasters in the US. The DOD can’t deploy or build hopitals without permission. As such the Governors of said areas would have had to order such that week ago.US military planning to build field hospitals in the most stricken areas. Should already be doing this since last week.
Thanks Hendrik, that is very encouraging for those of us in the middle or nearing the end as in Italy, or for those in the very beginning of this virus, as is most of the US... My heart goes out to all who have fought the corona virus and lost, and to those who have and continue to fight corona, hang in there and be safe!