Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)

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so I'm adding MI6 to 22 minutes ago

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United Kingdom


The sorrow of this coronavirus is that the whole family might be infected in one member of that family got infected. A 35-year old French man came to Cambodia and was tested positive with coronavirus then being quarantined. His wife and his 4-month old baby were later tested but only the baby found positive. The baby was quarantined and treated at National Infant hospital. The mother risked herself to take of the baby and now she's found positive too. What a sad story! Who will live and who will die?

Yes it is indeed a sad story. I am also sad that they are oblivious and have been reckless to be touring at this time in late March. Reckless not only for their lives since they are young,. They are also risking the lives of others who may need the next ventilator or through direct infection.

You did mention they were tourist.


Lieutenant General
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so what military forum is this here, not asking what the CIA, NSA with multiple-billion budgets (classified hahaha) were doing to miss the pandemics coming to the US (and NATO)?!

Again exactly such a question that again spurs politically and conspiration theories.

Otherwise it hits exactly my point: Such a political hot topic has no place in a military related forum.

And by the way, why not posting from the most reliable source:

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Yes it is indeed a sad story. I am also sad that they are oblivious and have been reckless to be touring at this time in late March. Reckless not only for their lives since they are young,. They are also risking the lives of others who may need the next ventilator or through direct infection.

You did mention they were tourist.
I think you meant "Didn't"

As I read the story, the couple has a home in Phnom Penh, either own or rent, I'm not so sure. The husband is 35 year old, wife is 28 while the baby is 4 months old. I think they work in Cambodia, not tourist. Below is the formal announcement from the Ministry of Health of Cambodia regarding new found Covid-19 cases, for those who read Khmer.

Again exactly such a question that again spurs politically and conspiration theories.

Otherwise it hits exactly my point: Such a political hot topic has no place in a military related forum.
what conspiracy?? in Langley, Virginia they might notice by reading newspapers! I'm not talking surprise attacks like bombing the Pearl or 9/11

And by the way, why not posting from the most reliable source:

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View attachment 58591
your source shows eight dead more :-( than what I posted 55 minutes ago
Sorry. I inferred that they were same group of French as on your earlier post below. So there are more than 29 French infected then.


Yesterday (Mar 22, 2020) we, Cambodia, got 31 cases positive with covid-19. 29 of those are French tourist and the other are Khmer tourist guide. Apparently the two Khmer guys got their viruses from the French guys/women. It is the highest one day surge in Cambodia make the total confirm case up to 84. Hot weather may slow the virus but it will not stop it. Especially you have a lot of air-con environment in hot countries.

For Tam, if I'm not mistaken, you're a Vietnamese ethnic living in the US, right? You know, cases in Vietnam are mostly imported by those "Viet Kieu" coming back home from oversea. What worse, some of them escape or ignore quarantine order and spread the virus around communities.


Lieutenant General
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what conspiracy?? in Langley, Virginia they might notice by reading newspapers! I'm not talking surprise attacks like bombing the Pearl or 9/11

your source shows eight dead more :-( than what I posted 55 minutes ago

You don't get it?

... so what military forum is this here, ....

And your reply again implies a political reply. STOP with this.