Make it very clear.
I am stating things as I see it.
I am not wishing that on ANYONE unlike your innuedo on what I say.
I have many many very good American friends and friends all over the world.
You definately not included in those I considered friends.
You will instead be in the list to be ignored and whatever you write, even if grovelling apology, will not be seen by me.
I write in here in the open.
With my photos and my web page and Facebook for all to see.
I currently have 4,849 friends there and about to reach my limit in Facebook.
At least half of them are American friends that known me and my writings on birds and parrots over the last 20 years
Then I got Koreans, Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese , German, French, Italians , Spanish Russian , Thai, Indonesian and from many other countries.
I do not hide myself behind a jumble of alphanumeric characters, like zgx09t , hiding in the dark and hoping to write in the dark and writing putting himself on pedestal casting pearls and judgement down.