Quite true. But the American smear campaign against China must be fought, unless we want the smearing to continue. One way to fight it is to point out some reasonably credible counter evidence. Of course, to do so here, one risks offending a moderator's notion of "unsubstantiated rumors".
Because so far you are twisting and producing your own Smear campaign.
you based off a tabloid report.
They want to believe the coronavirus was created in a lab because it makes Chinese evil to do such a thing plus it got loose which follows their narrative the Chinese are irresponsible and incompetent. The irony is when you're evil, you're able to accomplish anything hence why everyone should be afraid, but every time else... you're too inferior to do anything on your own.
That’s just as much a tabloid report as what above was posted.
“Oh yes America they are the source of the Pandemic!! Clearly they are overrun with unreported cases!! Clearly they should have been testing back in November!!! Oh Oh the cases Doubled in a few Hours!!!! OH OH Trump didn’t want testing Because he knows it’s loose already!!!!!”
give is a break.when was the first reports of something? Late November early December and in China not the US.
oh oh the US isn’t testing!! It’s cold and flu season in the US. It’s impractical to test ever case of someone with a sniffle. The first reports were from China it takes time to translate information from one nation to the other especially when they didn’t have a full test setup until January.
The cases doubled or perhaps that’s the reports catching up to the media. It takes time to test. This isn’t like a home pregnancy test that gives you positive and negative results, results that even then can be wrong and have to be checked by a proper doctor.
Oh American disinformation!! Claims of this and that Please you have the exact same thing in reverse.
But they waisted two months bad mouthing China... because China enacted a full on siege! There is quarantine and then there is what China did. It was full blown Over reaction. Let me remind you that China was saying everything was fine until they suddenly changed there minds. Cases of this and reports started in December perhaps even November they imposed the lockdown in late January. It wasn’t like a Zombie uprising where everything just went to hell it was a all’s fine until Wuhan was under lockdown.
Remember Dr. Li Wenliang who was talking with fellow peers about a SARS like Virus in December yeah him the one who died from it? Yeah remember when the police tell him to stop spreading lies?
The US was watching and thought it was just another case of man flu. Until suddenly it went big. Oh faulty kits! It happens these things take time. mph they lost control! Yet reports are still less than 500 cases. As opposed to the thousands in Wuhan at its hight. With millions in quarantine in the PRC.
This may seem like a rant but come on. Here everyone right now has plenty of helpings of Crow.
Rome burned well Nero Fiddles. You know what that is? Propaganda. Historically there are counter reports that Nero was actually leading fire brigades.
but that doesn’t look good in the narration. The US must look incompetent to the Nationalist Chinese. The Nationalists Murican must view the same. Reality is lost in the middle.